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6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 7n8 7n8 7n8 7n8 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 80e 80e 80e 80g 80g 80g 80g 80g 80g 80h 80h 80i 80i 8pr
Fire Queen
Chaos Lord
Q:Why not use phase shield instead of wings?
A:Phase shield 5

2 turns. Wings. 3

5 turns. Big difference.
Q:Is this deck better than Rol/Hope
A:Im not sure. Honestly, probably not. Starting now, I will note if I think this deck is better than Rol/Hope against a specific FG
Q:Are there any changes to the metagame making this deck better?
A;Yes. The best example is the puffer fish is getting a buff that raises its atk to (I believe 5) which means that it is a lot harder to block all of the damage.
Deck is simple, strategy is simple.
Fractal your recluses. Web any creatures that have airborne, and make sure that you dont waste all your

webbing, always leave 3 for your wings.
I posted a general strategy in the next post. A God By God breakdown is in this one.
Heres some important info you need to know about how many winged creatures each FG has, the control cards, and the AMOUNT of control cards.(For amount of any cards shown, you will need to x2, I didnt notice the wiki showed half of the fg deck, ill uopdate it later, but dont have the time for now)
NOTE for the creature count, it is showing Creatures that can still hit you/total creatures
Im no good with tables, so its going to look a little messy.
All amounts of any cards are based off of the wiki, ive changed some things where i see the wiki is wrong
CC=Creature Control PC=Permanent control
God Strategies are listed for the ones I feel there is a need for. This is incomplete, and as I get a better feel for the strategy, I will add more.
Chaos Lord (1/1)
Weapons: Discord (1)
Shields:Dissipation Shield(2)
CC:Maxwells Demon(1), Improved Mutation(3), Fallen Druid(4), Congeal(1)
PC:Unstoppable(1), Explosion(1), Improved Steal(1)
Airborne/Momentumed:Maxwells Demon, Amythest Dragon, RoL, Any mutant he is lucky enough to get, Unstoppable(1) (8/14)
StrategyThis is actually pretty simple. Chaos lord got a Discord out on the second turn, and I didnt get a wing for quite a while, but I still pulled off a victory. It was really easy all around, despite him having a good hand. The Amythest dragon that he got out still wasnt a problem.
Dark Matter: (0/2)
Weapons:Morning Glory(1), Titan(1)
CC:Elite Otyugh(2), Gravity Force(4)
PC:Black Hole(6), Gravity Nymph(2)
Airborne/Momentumed: Massive Dragon, Elite Charger, Titan, has Unstoppable (9/14)
StrategyThis and Divine Glory I consider Impossible.
Shields:Dusk Shield(1)
CC:Siphon Life(6), Electrocutor(1)
PC:Improved Steal(2), Pest(6)(and however many fractal gives him)
Airborne/Momentumed: None (0/6)
StrategyQuit. Too much quanta denial
This or Rol/HopeHope. too much quanta denial since wings are only powered by your mark.
Destiny: (1/1)
CC:Maxwells Demon(2), Fallen Druid(2), Rewind(4), Eternity(2)
Airborne/Momentumed: Maxwell Demon, and whatever he mutates, and hatches that has airborne (2/10)
StrategyNothing real specific here. A very easy god. Even if you DONT get a lobo early, you usually wont have to worry about the fate eggs. Wings will still block it. Theres not a very good chance of him getting an airborne creature, and maxwells is a weak one. I will warn to be careful about playing recluses. If you get too many Rewound, then you will not get to your next wings. Quinting 2 is still enough though, and occasionally playing more when not getting the wings will be an issue.
Divine Glory:(0/1)
Weapons:Morning Glory)6)
Airborne/Momentumed: Animate Weapon(5)
StrategyA very simple strategy.
Move your mouse right above Divine Glory's hand. See that button that says menu. Click it. See the button that popped up that says ok? Hit that one. Continue on with your FG grinding.
Dreamcatcher: (0/1) Butterfly Effect.... Nuff Said.
Weapons:Discord (2)
CC:Rage Elixer(1), Congeal(1), Shockwave(2), Thunderbolt(1), Purple nymph(1)
PC:Black Hole(1),Quicksand(1), Pest(2) Butterfly Effect
Airborne/Momentumed:Elite Deja Vu, (1/14)
Elidnis: (1/1)
Weapons:Jade Staff(1)
Shields:Jade Shield(1)
CC:Congeal(5), Ulitharid(3)
Airborne/Momentumed: Forest Spectres, Elite Phase Dragons (9/15)
Eternal Phoenix:(0/1)
CC:Fire Lance(2), Fire Storm(1), Thunderbolt(1)
Airborne/Momentumed: Minor Phoenix, Ruby Dragon (8/8)
Ferox: (0/1) I was stupid and started webbing his cockatrices. THEY DONT FLY!!!!
Weapons:Jade Staff(1)
Shields:Jade Shield(1)
Airborne/Momentumed: Jade Dragon, Leaf Dragon, RoL (16/24)
Fire Queen:(1/1)
Weapons:Farenhight(2), Eagles Eye(3)
CC:Eagles Eye(3), Fire Lance(3)
Airborne/Momentumed:Animate Weapon(3) Eagles Eye(3), Firefly Queen, Spawned Firefly (6/6)
StrategyNothing specific for this one. Just lobo the queens and when theres nothing else to lobo, be sure to lobo the
Shields:Phase Shield(4)
Airborne/Momentumed: Momentum(4) Elite Phase Dragon, Massive Dragon (4/11)
Graviton: (1/1)
Weapons: Titan(1)
Shields:Gravity Shield(1)
CC:Elite Otyugh (3), Gravity Force(1), Fire Storm(1)
Airborne/Momentumed: Unstoppable(3) Elite Charger (2/12)
This was surprisingly easy. Ill give you a simple breakdown of the battle.
He played chargers. I played a lobo. He played some Armagios, I played some recluses, and lobod 1 charger. He deflagged my lobo, and momentumed that armagio. Later he deflagged the wings I put down. Ultimately, I outrushed him, but een if he had 50 more hp, I woulda won because I was gaining control.
Weapons: Fahrenheit
Shields: Fire Buckler(1)
CC:Fire Lance(6), Fire Storm(2), Rage Elixer(2)
Airborne/Momentumed: Ruby Dragon, Fire Spectre (5/15)
StrategyQuit. Nuff Said
This or Rol/HopeNeither. Trust me on that one.
Incarnate: (1/1)
Weapons:Vampire Dagger(1)
Shields:Bone Wall(4)
CC:Retro-Virus(4), Bloodsucker(4)
Airborne/Momentumed: Retrovirus, Vampire (10/14)
StrategyIt was pretty easy battle. The vamps dont do enough damage, so even though he got a good rush out, I still succeeded. Viruses are horrible CC as well, so a lobo took care of everything I needed/
Miracle: (0/1)
Weapons:Jade Staff(1), morning Glory(1)
Shields:Jade Shield, Solar Buckler
Airborne/Momentumed:Light Dragon, Jade Dragon, Leaf Dragon, Elite Pegasus, Firefly Queen, Firefly (11/11)
StrategyThere really is nothing about this God that is hard. It would have been a really easy victory but I miscalculated how much time I had left in wings. I used 1 too many so I had a space between 1 wing and the next. I would have easily won, but I just had to use web when it wasnt necessary
Morte: (1/2)
Shields:Bone Wall(3)
CC:Retrovirus(6), Improved Plague(3)
Airborne/Momentumed: Ivory Dragon, Retrovirus, RoL, Archangel, Condor (20/21)
No real strategy to this one... Just the general strategy works good. I probably would have won my second battle, but I didnt get a recluse until I only had 13 cards left in my deck, and by the time I drew it, he had 3 dragons out.
Neptune: (0/1)
Weapons:Poseidon(1), Eagles Eye(1)
Shields:Permafrost Shield(2)
CC:Congeal(? wiki says 1, but I dont think thats right), Shockwave(4), Arctic Octopus(4), inundation(4)
Airborne/Momentumed: Arctic Dragon, Eagles Eye (3/10)
StrategyI would have beat Neptune, but I was down to 9 cards in my deck and still only saw 1 wings. I hadnt drawn any other. Something important to remember against neptune. It may seem like a good idea to spam creatures and waste all of his CC but it isnt. It is much better to let his hand clog up that way he can only draw 1 card a turn. Try not to play anything without quinting it until necessary.
Obliterator: (1/2)
Shields:Diamond Shiled(2)
CC:Gravity Force(5)
PC:Momentum(4), Pulverizer(2)
Airborne/Momentumed: Basaalt Dragon (5/11)
StrategyObliterator can be hard or easy depending on his hand. If he doesnt get a pulvy it can be pretty easy. His only CC is Gravity force, so what Im about to say is very important. Try to play your recluses 2 at a time, that way he can only destroy one, and you will be able to use web. If he gets a pulvy I quit, otherwise its pretty easy.
Octane: Weapons:Eagles Eye(5)
Shields:Fire Buckler(1)
CC:Fire Lance(2), Unstable Gas(6) Fire Buckler(1)
Airborne/Momentumed: Animate Weapon(4) Eagles Eye, Gasses, and Lances Will still kill you (none) (0/0)
Osiris: (2/2)
Shields:Turtle Shield(1)
CC:Rewind(2), Eternity(1)
Airborne/Momentumed: (None) (0/6, but remember, he spawns scarabs) Unstoppable(2)
StrategyA very easy God if you get an early lobo.
Paradox: (0/1)
Weapons: Morning Glory(2)
Shields:Mirror Shield(1)
Airborne/Momentumed: RoL, Deja Vu (16/16)
StrategyWell, you COULD win if you got a lobo and a recluse out fast... but its still a pain even then for 1 reason. If you web a deja vue, and then it uses its ability, the copy has airborne... which is a bug as far as im concerned.
This or HopeHope, but if copies stop regaining the airborne status, then I would say this one.
Rainbow: Weapons:Eagles Eye(2)
CC:Gravity Force(3), Congeal(3), Eagles Eye(2), Thunderbolt(2)
PC:Explosion(4) Steal(3)
Airborne/Momentumed: Forest Spectre, Eagles Eye (4/12)
Scorpio: (1/1)
Shields:Permafrost Shield(2)
CC:Congeal(3), Ice Lance(1), Arctic Octopus(2), Ulitharid(2)
Airborne/Momentumed: Artic Dragon (1/17)
StrategyNothing really, the general one works fine. I won because he got hardly any poison, and I got a perfect hand. It was cool actually seeing him use purify though,
Seism: (0/1)
Weapons: Pulverizer(1)
Shields:Diamond Shield(1)
PC:Quicksand(6) Doesnt have the quanta for Pulvys ability.
Airborne/Momentumed: Bassalt Dragon, Silurian Dragon (3/14)
StrategyI at first thought that I was going to say that seism was impossible, but in reality, I have a feeling seism will actually be quite easy. Heres the strategy (which I didnt get to pull off because I never drew a quint)
1)Slowroll pillars. You should ALWAYS do this against seism anyways. Slowrolling pillars is playing only 1 until seism uses quicksand. That way you dont lose all your quanta. S
2)Get 7

You want 4 for your recluse, and 3 for a quint. Seism only has 6 airborne creatures, so you should be able to pull this off even if he is constantly destroying your pillars.
3)Play wings, and web any dragon he plays.