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Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg88706#msg88706
« on: June 11, 2010, 06:39:27 pm »
  Wait, is this another RP?
      Sort of, but better. This is the Gradual Massacre, a kind of collaborative storytelling with an element of competition. Basically, eight unfortunate contestants have been plucked from their homes with no explanation, and thrown in a fight to the death.
      Sounds like fun. Wait, competition?
      Well, basically, you take turns writing a story with the characters you submit in a setting I choose. Eventually, someone is eliminated, not by d20s or by having the weakest character, but by having the weakest writing. When a person is eliminated, their character is killed in-game, and is dead for good. In the end, we'll have one fighter who beat the rest, and hopefully a really cool story!
      Well, if I have an all-powerful fighter, it's guaranteed to win!
      Nope! What often happened on the old forum I played this, if powerful characters didn't have powerful writing to back them up, nasty accidents happened and they often got eliminated in the first round. Godmodding is a surefire way to get booted before the first round is out.
      Fine... any other rules about my character?
      Not rules, but more guidelines. In your profile, explain a lot what your character is like, in terms of appearance, skills, personality. I'll explain why.
      Well, this is going to take a bit more writing than your average roleplay. You know how normally in an RP, you'd say something then wait for the other PC to respond? Well, to make for smoother reading in Grand Massacre you can write whole conversations, as long as they're in character and you don't drag other people's characters into situations they aren't happy with. Fixing things with polite advice is easy, but if you keep characterizing badly it's a surefire way to get eliminated. On the other hand, characterizing other players well makes for good writing, and better odds of your character surviving.
      Sounds like a lot of writing...
      Oh, it won't be so much to start with. It's easier to keep things shorter, while you're still getting a grip on other characters. As we get further in, though, I'm expecting longer posts. And if you can try make a promise to stick with this, it would be appreciated. One of the biggest problems on the old forum was inactivity meaning games dragged, or good characters got eliminated just to keep the game moving.
      Oh man! I was writing something great, when someone sniped me and invalidated everything I said! D:<
      If you don't want that to happen, try post "Reserved" first. This means your post comes next in the story, and anyone who ignores it will have what they wrote made non-canon and invalid. Still, so we're not twiddling our thumbs all night, the Reserve lasts for three hours at most unless you say something.
      So, what do I have to do to avoid getting eliminated?
      Basically, write a good story. The person who is doing the worst at this is the one that gets eliminated at the end of the round. Spelling and punctuation are important, as well as avoiding godmodding and ass-pulls. Also key are characterization, and just making your reading fun to read.
      Eurgh, these are a lot of words.
      Well, there are going to be a whole lot more you'll have to read to keep up with the story. If this is too much, maybe find a different game?

      That all sounds good! Are you using D&D or GURPS?
      Neither! Fill in this form, instead (remember, the devil's in the details, but when it comes to abilities, sometimes a general idea is better than spelling everything out. Simpler rules make it easier for others to write for you.)

      Username:Easy enough.
      Name: What will your character respond to?
      Gender: Male or Female, or if something less concrete, explain here.
      Race: Feel free to get crazy here. Humans with various abilities abounded, but we also had demons, shapeshifters, undead, spirits, elemental beings, and things without souls. So get creative!
      Colour: In order to make it easier to tell who's talking/posting, pick a distinct colour your posts'll be in. Black is not available, and try keep it easy on the eyes.
      Weapon: What tools your character fights with. If there's special restrictions or looks to it, explain. Don't spell every little thing out, but list what's important and won't seem like an asspull later. Forgetting to mention a squashed sandwich in their pocket? Ok. Forgetting to mention that flaming sword just as the demons tear the door down? Not ok.
      Abilities: If your character doesn't fight with weapons, do they have magic? Super speed? Berserker powers? Fast healing? If it fits your character's theme, it works for me.
      Description: Physical as well as personality. A good description of both is a huge help for other players trying to characterize you effectively.
      Biography: Finally, their backstory - what they were doing before being torn from their homes by the Grandmaster.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg88744#msg88744
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2010, 07:25:45 pm »
So, writing a good stroy is the main thing. Well then, I better start grammar lessons quick.  ;)

I want to join, but I will write my character details tomorrow.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg88750#msg88750
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2010, 07:37:35 pm »
As much as I hate poor grammar, it will NOT be a reason for elimination.

Demagog's Big Bob
      Username: Demagog
      Name: Big Bob
      Gender: Male
      Race: Human
      Colour: Pink
      Weapon: Steel-tipped boots and a large box cutter
      Abilities: Command Rupert - Rupert is a 300 pound hell hound. He is jet-black with eyes that glow red. He's kinda like the Rudolph of hell hounds.
       Trustable - Has an aura that makes others trust him easily.
      Description: Physical - 250 pounds, bald, large brown beard, wears a lab coat over a worn t-shirt and torn jeans. He keeps his box cutter in his coat pocket.
                          Personality/Mentality - He is somewhat crazy. Paranoid and has delusions of grandeur, believing he was chosen to rule the world. He is kind and generous, lacks greed, envy, and lust. However, he is very vindictive.
      Biography: Worked in a laboratory, accidentally exposed to a virus which caused him to go crazy and gave him his "trust" aura. Sent to a psychiatric hospital but easily convinced them that he was fine and truly was destined to rule the world. He then lived on the streets for a few months. One night he fell down a man-hole while running from a non-existent pursuer. He landed in a world-between-worlds where he encountered Rupert, who led him to the other world (where this story/game takes place). He learned he could control Rupert, and they set off to venture through this newly discovered world.Icybraker's Nanuuk
Username: Icybraker
Name: Nanuuk
Gender: Male
Race: Marid
Colour: #89CFF0
Glacius: Nanuuk carries around a white hardwood staff topped with a perfectly smooth orb of eternally frozen ice. It is useful for bonking people as well as casting spells.
Spellmastery: Nanuuk is an accomplished spellcaster and he can perform a variety of powerful spells that are Ice and Water-oriented, including Freeze and Icebolt. However, spells drain his energy.
Aquakinesis: Nanuuk has the ability to control water. He can freeze it, evaporate it, or move it. He cannot move much at a time, however.
Spirit Form: Nanuuk has the ability to depart from the physical plane, entering the astral plane where he can observe all that is around him and remain impervious to harm. However, he cannot interact with his environment in this form as he is undetectable, and the longer he stays in this form, the weaker his physical form becomes.
Summon Spirit: As a high spirit, Nanuuk can summon lesser spirits to do his bidding. He can summon multiples of them at a time, but they aren't the most obedient things in the world, are not that powerful, and can go away unexpectedly.
Savage Spirit: Nanuuk may not have much physical power normally, but it's in there somewhere. When he activates his ability, his raw physical power comes out. He cannot cast spells or use any other abilities in this form, but he is immensely strong and fast for a limited time.
Description: Nanuuk is one of the scrawniest marids around, only around 6 feet tall. He is gaunt and thin and his skin is a pale blue. He covers his body with a white robe and cloak at all times. He is several hundred years old but he does not feel like that; marids never age. He has a thin white beard, but his skin is wrinkle-free. Besides his blue skin, though, he would look similar to a tall, young human with a white beard. Nanuuk is a laid-back and uncaring. He is pretty unconcerned with most things, but he does have a certain arrogance that still lingers around him from earlier days.
Biography: Nanuuk is a Marid, which means that he is a spirit. Marids are spirits of water, and they are among the most powerful spirits of all. Like all spirits, he had lived in the astral plane since the creation of Aether. He was first summoned by a powerful Ulitharid magician living in Atlantis. However, Nanuuk, being an arrogant spirit who was confident in his powers, tried to break free of the magician's bidding. He managed to do so and then proceeded to challenge the magician in a duel. The Ulitharid proved to be a very powerful opponent, almost locking Nanuuk away back to the astral plane for all eternity, but Nanuuk managed to freeze the magician in a block of ice.

As Nanuuk prepared his killing blow, thus liberating himself from the magician's rule and allowing him to roam the physical plane forever, the powerful magician wrought a curse upon Nanuuk right before his death. Nanuuk found himself whisked away magically to the freezing Arctic North. Most of his physical power had been drained away, leaving himself a ghost of his former self. Previously, he stood a full 12 feet tall, with bulging muscles and capable of powerful spells. Now, he was half that height with little physical strength and capable of only the measliest of spells. He lost his arrogance and decided to spend the rest of his life carelessly, enjoying himself.

However, as the time passed, his power slowly crept back. He learned Ice spells by himself, abandoning his previous water forms for new ice spellcasting. He could now use his physical strength in short bursts and even summon his own spirits, and his old arrogance was coming back. But the magician's curse took a hold of him again, whisking him away again to a strange new environment...
BloodShadow's Jonathan Solaris/Eclipsis
Username: Bloodshadow

Name: Jonathan Solaris

Gender: Male

Race: The sun deity, Sol Invictus, reincarnated into a half-human, half-angel.

Color: #FFFF7D, and the purple one is #FF7DFF

Weapon: Jonathan uses the Excalibur, a weapon made from the essence of Light, and the Sun. It has several different forms, depending on how much energy is put into it:
1. Basic form. Normally, the Excalibur looks like a longsword, about 5 centimeters wide made from white and silver metal, with gold runes and sigils of Light on it. In this form it is nothing but a sharper-than-normal sword, but it can channel and amplify Light magic to some extent.
2. Judgment. This form looks like a wide broadsword version of the Excalibur, about 10 cm wide; the speed is decreased while power increased. This form is invoked when Jonathan enters his angelic form, when he is facing a powerful opponent. It can create waves and blasts of golden Light energy when swung, and it greatly amplifies any Light magic channeled into it.
3. Execution. In this form, the Excalibur is a massive sword, more than 20 cm wide; its power is tremendous. This form is activated when Jonathan uses his solar deity powers; he will only do this when in grave danger. In this form, the Excalibur can create massive energy blasts by itself, and cut through almost anything; but using this form puts a great toll on Jonathan's body.
4. Solstice. This form can ONLY be used when Jonathan has been DEFEATED when using Execution. The massive sword of Execution will crack, revealing a blinding golden light coming from inside. Then Execution shatters, revealing a sword made of a pure golden metal. This sword is golden instead of white, but it resembles Excalibur's basic form; it can be only maintained for a short amount of time before reverting to its basic form.
    Equinox. The shattered remains of Execution will merge and form a white buckler-sized shield with a golden sun on it. This shield can create powerful barriers of Light to protect Jonathan and his allies.
-1. Eclipse. The Excalibur will become a black and purple sword of Darkness during a solar eclipse. This form also has several upgrades, and it has the ability to drain the life force of others.

Photokinesis: Jonathan has control over Light. He can use it to blind enemies, dispel evil, heal himself and others, focus it into destructive beams, etc. He usually shapes light into swords of varying sizes and shapes. See picture: http://lunaticsupernova.deviantart.com/art/Sword-Summoner-36072723
Paladin: Jonathan uses a fighting style that incorporates both melee sword combat and Light magic.
Advanced Forms: Jonathan himself, like his weapon, has several different forms. His appearance is dependent on the power level he uses; the more power, the more severe drain on his body and spirit.
  Human form: In human form, Jonathan is only slightly stronger, heals faster, and has more stamina than a normal human. He can only use the basic form of the Excalibur.
  Angelic form: In this form, Jonathan has a pair of white angel wings, and a glowing white aura. His strength, speed, stamina, perception, magic, etc, are all increased. He can use the Excalibur in Judgment form.
  Demigod form: In this form, Jonathan utilizes his powers as Sol Invictus. His wings become draconian, golden, and more energy-like, and his aura turns golden; he gains a golden, sun-like tattoo on his forehead. His powers are explosively increased in this form, but if used for too long this form will cause heavy fatigue and incapacitation. He can use the Excalibur in Execution form.
  Divine form: This is as close to his original god form as Jonathan can get. His wings become pure energy, his hair becomes flame-like, and he dons a set of golden armor made of Light; his entire body is covered with glowing golden tattoos. Jonathan can only use this form if he has been defeat in demigod form and brought to the verge of death; this form can only be maintained for a short while. Jonathan can use the Solstice and Equinox in this form.
  Demonic form: During a solar eclipse, Jonathan will turn into something similar to a fallen angel; he will channel the darker, more demonic aspects of himself when he was a god. In this form all of Jonathan's powers will change from Light to Darkness, and he will be able to use the Excalibur in Eclipse form; his color scheme is changed from white-gold to black-purple. In more advanced demonic forms, Jonathan's sclera will turn black while his eyes are purple. However, in this form Jonathan will be taken over by his psychotic, cruel, and sadistic alter-ego, and he will show no remorse and concern for his friends, or any life in general.

Appearance: Jonathan is a handsome young man, about 180 cm tall, with medium-length spiky golden hair (NOT blond, but GOLDEN), and bright, piercing golden eyes. He usually wears a white cloak with golden runes, and the Excalibur is buckled to his belt. During a solar eclipse, when he was taken over by his inner demon, Jonathan's hair and eyes will turn black-purple, and his handsome features will become twisted and insane.
Personality wise, Jonathan is casual, laid-back, polite, charming, funny, etc. He is brave, and cares very deeply about his friends and loved ones; he will do anything, even risking his own life, to protect the others. However, his alter ego is the exact polar opposite: cruel, sadistic, insane, with no respect for anyone and anything.

Jonathan used to be Sol Invictus, the Sun God of Light. Every human has an evil side inside them, and every god has an inner demon; because Sol was so powerful, his inner demon, Eclipsis, split from Sol himself and threatened to cover the world with an eternal eclipse and turn it into a world of Darkness. Wanting to protect the world, Sol sacrificed himself to seal away Eclipsis; as a result, they merged back into one again, and reincarnated into the body of a half-angel, Jonathan.
At his eighteenth birthday, Jonathan, among other young angels, were taken to the Temple of Solaris, to see if any of them could pull out the sacred blade Excalibur, and take on the mantle of Sol Invictus. Naturally, Jonathan was able to pull out his own sword, and at that moment his previous life as a god flashed before his eyes. At that same moment, the sun turned black, and Eclipsis awakened inside Jonathan; he massacred the angels, and destroyed the Temple of Solaris. Jonathan was able to suppress his inner demon, but because of his massacre he was banished from heaven into the mortal world. He then wandered around the world, seeking a way to control his inner demon, before he was taken by the Grandmaster.
Essence's Angus Thermopyle
Username: Essence
      Name: Angus Thermopyle
      Gender: Male

      Race: Troll

      Colour: Orange
      Weapon: Angus carries a hip-mounted autogun with full metal jacketed rounds and an oversized Chinese meat cleaver.
      Abilities: Angus regenerates (slowly), and has sub-dermal armor agumenting his natural trollish toughness, and is pretty much the most wound-resistant thing around.  He also has an absolutely pathetic spark of magical ability in him, and knows how to cast exactly one spell: Stunball. (small radius, medium range, deals non-lethal damage but in large enough amounts to KO ordinary folk off the street.)  Fortunately, his innate toughness makes casting it a breeze for him, even though a human with so little magical skill would be exhausted after a couple of castings. 
      Description: Angus Thermopyle is about seven feet tall, with bumpy orange skin and kelp-like hair that he keeps in dreadlocks and a doorag.  He is just over three feet wide at the shoulder, which keeps him from fitting comfortably in most human-sized environments.  He is best described as racuous, fun-loving, and loud -- though his definiton of "fun" usually involves blowing large things and/or crowds of people up while under constant attack from furious enemies.   He has a tattoo on his neck (over his Adam's apple) of the Arm-and-Hammer Baking Soda logo with the words "GET A BIGGER HAMMER" around it.

      Biography: Angus was a professional escape-coverer for a group of corporate spies.  He hated his job because most of the spies' missions went smoothly and he didn't get to blow sh!t up, but the times when things went wrong, he turned mere mayhem into absolute chaos and loved it.   In the few seconds before getting kidnapped by the Grandmaster, Angus was reading Hustler magazine and polishing his autocannon.  No, literally.
Decktrya's Hottiegirl24
      Name: Hottiegirl24
      Gender: female
      Race: Mankiller
      Weapon: Lipstick Amors Bow
      Abilities: kissing(stuns the opponent or simply makes it love you) Heartbreaker(i personaly would like to call this attack icybreaker D) can be only activated when kissiing made your opponent sucesfully fall in love with you your opponent cant use his abillitys anymore 
      Description: 90,60,90 blue eyes shes hot i mean really hot she loves it to make mans fall in love with her and then kill them with her lipsticks if the mans dont fall in love with her she still gots her bow to attack them from range
      Biography:all of her race were killed and taken by human mans they taken her also but she could get away becouse she made something with one of that mans... since that day she hates all mans and will  take revenge
Fixari's Abagail Fintz
Username: Fixari
      Name: Abigail Fintz, but prefers Abe
      Gender: Prefers being a female, but can switch genders.
      Race: Gum monster
      Colour: This shade of green (Which is not lime green regardless of what the font says)
      Weapon: See Gum ability.
      Abilities: Gum - Abe is made out of gum, and can mold into any shape she wants. Most of the time, she remains in human form, and creates weapons out of gum and whatever she recently ate (that is non-food). When she is done with the object, any additional items used to create it are unusable. In gum form, she takes up the objects (same size as in human form) in an act she calls absorption.
                    No shield - She cannot use her ability to shield herself in either form.
                    Iron-cast - Abe can eat and digest any food, and can eat almost anything. As long as it can fit in her throat, that is.
                    Immune - In male form, she cannot be targeted by any charming that only affects male. She is immune to any food-ridden pathogens or diseases.
                    Abe, in human form, is the height of an average sixteen-year old girl. Although the rest of her body looks to be average weight, her stomach-area is rounder than the rest of her body and she has a flat chest. She has long blonde hair that is in a ponytail, a baseball cap covering it. Her lime green eyes seem to have a liquid look to them, and that's the colour of her bodily fluids. Think of it like Trident Splash, if you would. She wears black pants and a dark t-shirt, both tattered..
                    Abe alternately shifts into a male form. Other than having a masculine face, a smaller stomach and some muscles, there is no real difference between this form and the female form.
                     Abe's gum form is an enlarged piece of chewed gum, which weighs the same as both of her forms. Weighing in at 200 pounds, the blob is lime green. In this form, she moves by rolling herself around. This is the only form that doesn't talk.
                     Personality-wise, Abe acts like she doesn't have any manners. Burping at will, interrupting conversations and not caring what she says to others, she appears as a rude person. And she is. She doesn't care what other people say or think about her. She will steal and lie to get what she wants, even if it is just some food.
                      Abe was originally a human, living in the slums of a large city. Growing up to steal and lie, she managed stay alive until her sixteenth birthday. It was then that she had her first piece of gum. She quickly grew obsessed with the bundles of flavour and spent most of that year collecting gum. In time, she started developing a ravenous appetite - and not just for gum.
                       By her seventeenth birthday, she had become a glutton, eating anything she could get her hands on. On that day, she woke up to notice that she was just a blob. It was hard to get used to the form, but she managed to do it in three days. It took another five days to get back into human form. Despite this, she remained confident and learned how to control her abilities. Everything was going great. Well, until she slipped down a 15-foot ditch and ended up in this land.
Wardead's Grydit
Username: Wardead

Name: Grydit

Gender: Male

Race: Pyrosians

Colour: #F96785

Weapon: A Halberd with flames. It's tip is sharp and the blade is flaming, but it does not melt.


Fire Breath: Grydit gains the ability to breathe fire. He can also spew fire out of his mouth now. This lasts until his mouth gets too hot.

Wings: He unleashes his wings from his back for a period of time.

Control: He can control fire and volcanoes now. But he cannot use any physical power while he uses this ability.

Switch: He can switch his powers to Water now. He cannot control Fire anymore and uses Water now. Once this is done, he stays in this form for a day. (Note, he still cannot control Ice.)

Description: Grydit is a very tall Pyrosian. Pyrosians are usually small and muscular, but Grydit was the exact opposite. He was skinny, tall and strong. He has two horns on his head and a spiky face. His eyes are glowing red and his face has a lot of scars. His body is made of rocks and fire itself, making it tough to break. He wears a very long red chainmail which ends until his knees, protecting him even further. He also wears gloves and boots.

Biography: Grydit was born in the night of the Fire Stars, the day when the Fire Stars align in the sky to exhibit something important. It only happens every million years. Grydit joined the Mercenary army and proved to be the best. Grydit was known to be too "innocent". The commanders liked him, but his fellow soldiers grew jealous of him. They plotted to kill him. Grydit couldn't think of such a heinous sin from his soldiers and trusted them all the time.

The Mercenaries tried to kill him by locking him up, starving him and other ways. Grydit never died but he still didn't know of his soldiers' actions. One day, a Guard saw one of the Mercenaries trying to stab Grydit. The Guard, programmed to be like that, got in the way of the Mercenary and got killed. Grydit turned around and saw the Guard dead, killed by the Mercenary. He soon realized of their actions. Needing to protect himself, he requested a halberd from one of the commanders. He took the halberd and burned it. The halberd did not melt, but got more powerful. Grydit was no longer his old self. He had grown serious and suspicious. Grydit himself tried to kill some of the Mercenaries too. When his training was complete in the Army, he was recruited to the Pyrosian army. While travelling back to the nation of Pyrosia, he was transported to an unkown place.
Helios' Arcterael
Username: Helios

Name: Arcterael, Archangel of Hope

Gender: Male

Race: Angel

Colour: White


Dawnbringer, the Sword of Hope. Perhaps one of the most famous blades of Heaven ever forged, its very name inspires hope and kindles hearts of good, but terrorises the evil and the unholy whom cannot abide it. Under normal circumstances, it shines with the brilliant aura of a pure blue Light of Heaven, but its physical form may change should the wielder find himself in an exceptional time of desperation (refer to Special Abilities section). It is essentially a physical representation and manifestation of Hope itself and of the glorious, holy wrath of Heaven.

Lightbearer, the Shield of Hope. The second primary component of the Archangel's set of weaponry, the shield is wrought of a material known only to the greatest forgers of Heaven; in appearance, radiating its own blue Light, it is as beautiful as crystal, but in combat, it is more durable than the toughest of metals. Suffice it to say, it has guarded Arcterael well through millennia of fighting experiences.

The rest of the Armour Set of Hope donned by Arcterael include the Helmet, Breastplate and the Arm and Leg Guards, all composed of the same material as the Shield.

Abilities (ranked in reverse order of power):

Holy Light: The touch of an Archangel usually suffices to heal any wound; Arcterael can summon forth his inner Light of Heaven to perform this task upon himself or wounded allies.

Elbereth: Using the powerful Light within, Arcterael provides Dawnbringer, Lightbearer and his entire Armour Set with even greater power. In this state, they become significantly more powerful, shining even brighter with the concentrated essence of the Light of Heaven in its purest form: white.

Divine Intervention: Arcterael may call upon the aid of the heavens in urgent times of need; hearing the plea of the Archangel, Heaven shall respond by illuminating a large portion of the field with Light, while providing succour in terms of protection and healing to himself and allies and blinding and damaging enemies, with an especial effect against the unholy. This skill may be used for a limited amount of time, lest it drain too much energy.

True Form of the Archangel: All Angels are very well aware of the power limitation barrier which exists at the boundary between Earth and Heaven. Those of the Higher Realm whom choose to enter the mortal plane must suffer a substantial decrease of their actual power while they linger there. However, as a final ability, Arcterael may restore himself to his True Form. Though he can actually never completely be the equal of himself in the Upper Realm, in his True Form, he approaches and almost attains that point, being as close as he will ever be to a true Archangel of Heaven while on Earth. In his True Form, Arcterael, though already substantial in terms of height, will grow even taller while his inner Light will shine at its brightest, providing very large enhancement and improvement to every aspect of his being (damage, protection, efficiency of skills, etc.) Unfortunately, Arcterael may only maintain his True Form for a limited amount of time.


In his normal form, Arcterael almost attains 190 cm in height; intermittently glowing smooth white-silver hair, compassionate blue eyes that may turn piercingly fierce in his wrath against any enemies who dare defy Heaven's Light. Two white wings spread magnificently behind him while his Armour Set completes his impressive physical appearance.

Arcterael is an unwavering champion of the Light, but especially of its aspects regarding Justice and Hope, dealing the former to unholy enemies while inspiring the latter in the good and the innocent by his very presence. He is sometimes known as an idealistic dreamer, which has proven to be an unfortunate attitude to hold when it brings him disappointments. However, his faith has always been as constant and eternal as the Light.

Biography: Birthed in Heaven many thousands of years and several Ages ago as son of the incumbent Archangel of Justice, Arcterael's ideals were established and cemented from a very early time.

He was an active participant and combatant in Heaven's interventions upon the mortal plane during a Golden Age when, at the height of its power, the Upper Realm regulated conflicts on Earth and preserved peace. When he was eventually promoted to Archangel of Hope, Arcterael began to lead some of these interventions, though his were often of a different nature from the majority. While his close friend, the Archangel of Justice led interventions to impose Heaven's Law and Will upon the mortal plane when its inhabitants transgressed, and the Archangel of War commanded Heaven's hosts, his own travels consisted more often of providing Hope and blessings and such assistance to the good people of the mortal plane when they were in need, as opposed to punishing the wicked.

He was wandering the mortal plane on another mission of Heaven when he was taken by the Grandmaster.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg88751#msg88751
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2010, 07:40:28 pm »
I'll type up my junk when I find the time :-p

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg88752#msg88752
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2010, 07:40:37 pm »
So, what will be the reason?

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg88757#msg88757
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2010, 07:46:03 pm »
There will be a secret poll where users vote on worst writer.

Characterizing other characters poorly, godmodding, poor humor (if you try and make a humorous character), plot holes, not being able to follow a story arc, or other poor writing techniques will get you eliminated.  Inactivity will also put you at risk.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg88760#msg88760
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2010, 07:52:06 pm »
My new character will be based on Gl1tch,  ;)  Will that give me immortality from being eliminated?

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg88766#msg88766
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2010, 07:54:20 pm »
Not if you characterize me poorly.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg88836#msg88836
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2010, 09:48:58 pm »
Sigh... I just typed out this really long character creation, pressed post, went away from the computer for a second, and came back to find that my internet wasn't working when I hit post. So now everything I typed is gone... I'll just redo it in a brief format.

 Username: Demagog
      Name: Big Bob
      Gender: Male

      Race: Human
      Colour: Pink
      Weapon: Steel-tipped boots and a large box cutter. There's really nothing special about them.
      Abilities: Command Rupert - Rupert is a 300 pound hell hound. He is jet-black with eyes that glow red. He's kinda like the Rudolph of hell hounds. Rupert, like all hell hounds, is immortal. He can also consume anything. His wounds heal quickly, a trait required of anything that must eternally guard the gates of hell. His behavior is much like any other playful dog's; his fangs are only bared if he feels that what he is protecting is being threatened.

                     Trustable/Convincing/Persuasive - Has an aura that makes others trust him easily. He could convince a rock it could swim.
      Description: Physical - Big Bog is a meager two-hundred fifty pounds. He stands in at just five and a half feet. A thick brown beard protrudes from his round face, contrasting with his bald head. He wears a white lab coat over a worn Gap t-shirt and torn jeans. His pocket knife is kept in his coat pocket for easy access.

                          Personality/Mentality - He is somewhat crazy - paranoid and has delusions of grandeur, believing he was chosen to rule the world. He is kind and generous, lacks greed, envy, and lust. However, he is very vindictive.
      Biography: Worked in a laboratory, accidentally exposed to a virus which caused him to go crazy and gave him his "trust" aura. Sent to a psychiatric hospital but easily convinced them that he was fine and truly was destined to rule the world. He then lived on the streets for a few months. One night he fell down a man-hole while running from a non-existent pursuer. He landed in a world-between-worlds where he encountered Rupert, who led him to the other world (where this story/game takes place). He learned he could control Rupert, and they set off to venture through this newly discovered world.


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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg88850#msg88850
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2010, 10:06:59 pm »
Username: Icybraker
Name: Nanuuk
Gender: Male
Race: Marid
Colour: Light Blue
Glacius: Nanuuk carries around a white hardwood staff topped with a perfectly smooth orb of eternally frozen ice. It is useful for bonking people as well as casting spells.
Spellmastery: Nanuuk is an accomplished spellcaster and he can perform a variety of powerful spells that are Ice and Water-oriented, including Freeze and Icebolt. However, spells drain his energy. The more powerful the spell, the greater the toll.
Aquakinesis: Nanuuk has the ability to control water and ice. He can freeze it, melt it, evaporate it, or move it. He cannot move anything past his own weight in water.
Spirit Form: Nanuuk has the ability to depart from the physical plane, entering the astral plane where he can observe all that is around him and remain impervious to harm. However, he cannot interact with his environment in this form as he is undetectable, and the longer he stays in this form, the weaker his physical form becomes.
Summon Spirit: As a high spirit, Nanuuk can summon lesser spirits to do his bidding. He can summon multiples of them at a time, but they aren't the most obedient things in the world, are not that powerful, and can go away unexpectedly.
Savage Spirit: Nanuuk may not have much physical power normally, but it's in there somewhere. When he activates his ability, his raw physical power comes out. He cannot cast spells or use any other abilities in this form, but he is immensely strong and fast for a limited time.
Description: Nanuuk is one of the scrawniest marids around, only around 6 feet tall. He is gaunt and thin and his skin is a pale blue. He covers his body with a white robe and cloak at all times. He is several hundred years old but he does not feel like that; marids never age. He has a thin white beard, but his skin is wrinkle-free. Besides his blue skin, though, he would look similar to a tall, young human with a white beard. Nanuuk is a laid-back and uncaring. He is pretty unconcerned with most things, but he does have a certain arrogance that still lingers around him from earlier days.
Biography: Nanuuk is a Marid, which means that he is a spirit. Marids are spirits of water, and they are among the most powerful spirits of all. Like all spirits, he had lived in the astral plane since the creation of Aether. He was first summoned by a powerful Ulitharid magician living in Atlantis. However, Nanuuk, being an arrogant spirit who was confident in his powers, tried to break free of the magician's bidding. He managed to do so and then proceeded to challenge the magician in a duel. The Ulitharid proved to be a very powerful opponent, almost locking Nanuuk away back to the astral plane for all eternity, but Nanuuk managed to freeze the magician in a block of ice.

As Nanuuk prepared his killing blow, thus liberating himself from the magician's rule and allowing him to roam the physical plane forever, the powerful magician wrought a curse upon Nanuuk right before his death. Nanuuk found himself whisked away magically to the freezing Arctic North. Most of his physical power had been drained away, leaving himself a ghost of his former self. Previously, he stood a full 12 feet tall, with bulging muscles and capable of powerful spells. Now, he was half that height with little physical strength and capable of only the measliest of spells. He lost his arrogance and decided to spend the rest of his life carelessly, enjoying himself.

However, as the time passed, his power slowly crept back. He learned Ice spells by himself, abandoning his previous water forms for new ice spellcasting. He could now use his physical strength in short bursts and even summon his own spirits, and his old arrogance was coming back. But the magician's curse took a hold of him again, whisking him away again to a strange new environment...


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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg88860#msg88860
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2010, 10:17:41 pm »
I got to admit Icy your characters are usually really creative but this one somehow lacks :P.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg88992#msg88992
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2010, 12:43:54 am »
Dema: you're character is in.

