- An Egyptian Pyramid or Temple gaining power from the sun (KH)
- Power Stones (Gemstones, Diamonds, Basalt heat absorbing Stone etc)(KA)
- Fungus growing energy and mold eating energy(KA)
- Artesian Well/bore (KH)
- A funeral Pyre granting quanta from sacrificed or otherwise specially-killed creatures. (ES)
- A "Manna Tree" that grows quanta when properly cared for. (ES)
- A Quantum Lens that 'focuses' quanta from other pools into a specific pool. (ES)
- A Spellbook that reduces the quantum costs of some category of cards. (ES)
- An altar to Sacrifice on (LD)
- Nefarious action to opponent quanta (LD)
- Decomposing Creatures (Anh)
- Vision of High Pillars (Anh)
- A device that forces quanta (something akin to a syringe) into an elemental (KA)
- Consumable objects to receive quanta directly (KA)
- A fierce weather pattern/storm (

) that releases and manipulates quanta and energy (KA)
- A Windmill or huge machine (water wheel?) that involves


quanta (KA)
- A card that can gain massive amounts of Fire, Dark, or Water Quanta for an endgame Bolt but has risks to use or might easily be countered. (KH)
- A card or set that gains a benefit when an opponent uses Quanta as a activator. (KA)
- A card or set that grants you Quanta when an opponent takes a certain action. (KA)
- A card or set that gives a Quanta boost when in a pinch (KA)
- A card that denies Quanta for a period of time. (KH)
- A card that makes more pillars or other quanta generators in your hand. (ES)
- A card that boosts Quanta production when you are about to die. (ES)
- A card that increases the opponents quantum costs (M79)
- A card that turns a creature into a pillar (M79)
- A card that generates quantum proportional to your HP (M79)
- A card that gives quantum when a creature enters play (M79)
- A card that gives you benefits because your opponent is ahead on Pillars (LD)
- A card that trades pillars (Anh)
- A card that rebates quanta. For example, (0 cost) when played, any cards you play this turn rebate you one quantum of their element. (UR)
- A card that destroys Pillars for a Quanta boost (Mid)
- An entropy card that performs a mix between the nova effect and the discord effect, so maybe each turn it converts some amount of entropy quanta (maybe a third, or a random amount) into a certain number of random quanta (mid)
- a card that "absorbs" quanta that otherwise would have been produced then releases it later. (Mid)
- a card that allows you to go into debt with quanta (Mid)
- Gives a Quanta benefit but you suffer a poison for using it (KH)
- When played this card protects quanta from an opponents effects (KA)
- Quanta gained by this card is determined by cards in your hand and you lose other quanta gain. (KA)
- Target your opponent with this effect to increase your quanta production until the oponent is hit with a spell effect or purify.(KA)
- Creature ratings determined by Quanta values (KH)
- Adds additional quanta each turn per point, and stacks with itself a la poison. (ES)
- Quanta theft, Take quanta directly from opponent. (ES)
- "Refracts" Light quanta into other kinds of quanta. (ES)
- Channel: turn HP into (random?) Quanta. (ES)
- Play a card with the wrong type of quanta. with any quanta (ES)
- Target a creature you control and Sacrifice it to gain Quanta (twice creature value?)(SG)
- Heal an amount for the Pillars you have in play. (Anh)
- Freezing specified amount of random opponent's quanta ie during your opponent's turn, that amount of quanta will be temporarily removed and returned to him after he ends his turn. (Anh)