Now what about those other pesky decks? What do we do vs them? Well here are the ones this deck has a hard time with. (From The Hardest To The Easiest)
One of Chapuz's Annoying OTK's(For lack of a better name)
Pray for the best. Be very careful. Don't try to deck them out with SoB as this can end up in them just stalling u forever. Use as few SoB as possible. Discard if needed. Low chance to win.
This is one of the hardest matchups. Pray for the best. Hope against hope that you can pull a win.
Poison Dials or other death and Light decks 
If they get a SoSaC or reflective shield out you could be 100% dead. Never bring out SoW for anything but the finishing kill against Light mark or

[Rarely Life]. You may consider replacing Vampire Dagger for Purify if you have a strong fear of Poison Dials or a Mirror Shield if you want to counter anyone else's reflective shield.
A Golem Rush 
This is where all your time with this deck comes to the test. This takes skills like using your opponent's SoB to fuel your own deck when possible, knowing when to use SoB to get a lead(hopefully without giving it right back), using Mirror Shield if you have it against your opponent's golem (SO CRUEL!), and a couple other tactics you shall learn as you use this deck(What, you don't expect me to tell you all my strategies, do you?).
a good SoP deck can kill this if you can't get going fast enough or strong enough. Do be careful when facing SoP. I often do my best to outrush them and go frantic to do so. It works sometimes, and sometimes you can even end up in you both winning due to a disconnect and sofree successfully activating on your side but not on your opponents.
Hopefully this won't effect you too much. Use Novas only when you absolutely need to. Assume they will be BH'd at all times when facing this deck. Try to use quanta when you have the chance but be careful not to fall into....
Entropy TRAP! 
I call this the Entropy Trap due to the many tricks and traps that Entropy has. You need to keep making Immaterial Frankenshards or else you could be Mutated, Chaos Seeded, or even something much, much, much worse, like the accursed Antimatter
Stay aware that each element has a different form of CC. if your golem is summoned with less than 2 SoW it will not be invincible. Be careful to watch for this!
The Random Number Generator is a jerk who likes to steal your hard earned electrum. 'Nuff said.