The War of the EarthSpring
The Terrean Conflict Long ago, some many thousands of years, before the Half-Bloods were born, before the Elemental Planes broke into fragments, there was a tribe who lived by a river. These were Terreans, and they lived in peace. They made bowls of clay and lived in mud daub houses and ate fruits and nuts and the occasional fish and small game. Their lives were filled with wonder and magic. They prayed to the Divine Creator, who lived in heaven above, whose life was in all things, shining down from heaven. All was well for many generations.
One day, in the village square, there was a man, discussing the nature of the god with his fellow tribesman. He said, "The divine spirit, is above us in heaven, away from us. It is better than us, here, trapped at the earth." His friend disagreed, claiming the divine spirit was in all things, even us, in all life. The two began to quarrel and soon people began to line up behind one man or the other, taking sides with who they thought was right. By nightfall, it was too late, the tribe had split, and the outspoken man took half the village with him.
That night, the Wise Speaker led his people into the mountains, upriver from the village and they took refuge in a cave. The next morning, the remaining tribe, the followers of the Great Spirit did not have enough people to hunt or fish or fix houses. They moved into the nearby forest and lived on what they could gather. Thus were founded the two tribes where there had been one. One following the Wise Speaker, the other, living together, each of them living in harmony with the Great Spirit as they saw fit.
Now at the head of the mountain trail, there was a canyon, and a mighty spring flowed from the earth that fed the river. The Cave Tribe moved up river, and found a cave at the back of the canyon. They began carving a city within the mountains. This spring fed the river that flowed through the forest and near the Forest Tribe's homes. In time, they built huts high in the trees.
Things were peaceful for a time, with each tribe living according to its beliefs apart from each other. Hundreds of years passed, and the tribes grew into city states. The Cave tribe had selected a leader, a Heirophant, a wise speaker, an intermediary between man and god, to lead them. He followed the teachings and led the people through order and stability, with discipline as hard as the stone around them. They had long found the water beneath the ground that fed the spring. One day, they diverted the water to their own needs and left the forest in a strangle hold.
The Forest tribe lived in the bounty of the soil. Ever changing seasons of life springing from the ground, fed by air and water and sunlight, blessed by the divinity of the Great Spirit. They sought wisdom through the Eidolon, a spirit of their will and ancestors that remained to guide them in accordance with the Great Spirit, a manifestation of the divine. With the river dried up, they were left to seek an answer from the Cave tribe over what happened. The two leaders met at the ancient spring and did their best to hash out their differences, but they could not see eye to eye. The Cave Tribe, now the Cthonic 'beneath dwellers' had changed the natural order of things. The Forest tribe, now Gaian 'naturalists' had no choice to engage in conflict to restore the flow of water.
A great battle ensued, lasting many weeks, but finally, the hold on the EarthSpring had been broken, and water flowed once again. The cthonic were pushed back into their caves, deeper underground and could not reach the valley of the Earthspring for many years. Wars waged off and on for centuries, now thousands of years later, the Cthonic have developed strong machines of metal and order, the Gaian have begun to weave the myriad of life around them into new and sometimes Strange Forms. The the War of the EarthSpring continues, as these two factions of Elemental warriors and scientists and magicians engage in battle for this sacred Cairn, this Node of Elemental Power.
Permanent | Battleground


Non-Faction Specific
Your creatures gain +1|+0 when attacking, Earth Creatures gain +2|+0
Either player may pay the casting cost to gain control of this Permanent. Only one may be in play at any time.