Accepted and accepted.
The MSDT could use Towers instead of Soul Catchers for more steady combo, at the risk of speed of course.
As for Fahrenheit's spelling, check the card.
Challenge: how do we work on an Aflatoxin + Oty combo?
Or maybe Scarabs? Rainbow control?
Try to make a combo, using Aflatoxin as a core card. The combo itself includes Malignant Cell, but not a fieldlock combo.
(SoP has been tried before, so it's also excluded. Though if you can
not use the SoP on your Malignant Cells, it can be made.)
Source:,36790.0.htmlAn example has been made by Gandora.
I still think the idea is interesting and I accepted the challenge 
So here's what I came up with:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
52n 52n 6rv 6rv 713 713 71c 71c 71c 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 745 745 749 749 74b 74b 74b 74b 74b 8pl
have some low-cost critters to support the slowly growing atk of otyugh.
Aflatoxin is used on the enemies field. Actually, you don't have to lock him down. Just be sure to have at least one oty.
So whenever there are two cells on his field you eat one. This way you have constant source of cells and you won't be overwhelmed.
I guess the one dmg that cell does isn't a problem, if yes you can still eat it. While you eat your field will accumulate skeletons (which also can be eaten if you
got many oty's out). Shard of Patience can be an incredible boost when your field is filled with skeletons, and allow them also to surpass 1 dmg blocking shields.
Also they may help against Shard of Sacrifice. If you still want to lock the enemy you can just replace the
shield with skull bucklers. Obviously, you lack permanent control.
That's why this deck will certainly loose against
as well as high creature control. However, there are many ways to change this deck. E.g you can change SoP and Recluse for Poison
cards or you can add more chargers etc.
Anyway, it's something different and it's fun to play in my opinion even though it's slow ^^