Q: “Out of all the Water cards available to you, name one Water card that you would love to be real (an ability, a creature that you can control for a pet, or even an artifact/permanent). If you were to die, who would you pass that ‘gift’ onto?”
I really like Ulitharid's art, but if I were to choose something, I'd choose Purify. Being offensively powerful may be appealing, but I just prefer seeing people around me happy. If I were to die (ç_ç), I'd pass the gift to the person that would make the best use out of it, obviously. While this may seem a stupid response, I have no intention of dying soon, and during the years, things may change, and I'll just adapt to the flow.
Q for RR:"You proved to be very good with upgraded cards(CL) but you lost last trials with more upgrades than Tiko.
I lost because I used too many upgrades, literally. I fully upped two decks and, guess what, they were illegal. I could've just lied and take the win, but that ain't me. From 5-2 to 4-5.
The reason behind me fully upping decks may be caused by CL itself. I had an awful lot of upgrades, having won Masters Tournament, and I was really used in thinking in fully upped decks. Will I be more careful these trials? Who knows.
Q1: Does the Water card-pool currently lack in balance or flavor? Use cards and decks for justification.
Q2: Hence or otherwise, explain why a new, useful-yet-boring Water card would be better than a new, flavorful-yet-weak Water card, or vice-versa. Please pick exactly one side, and don't be wishy-washy.
It sure doesn't lack flavor. Think of Nymph Tears, Flooding, Purify. Every element is unique and this is one of the things I love most in elements. But on the balance side, Water often got the short stick. Flooding used to plain suck, now it is borderline to be sucking. Trident is often deemed the weakest elemental weapon (while some Trident decks kick ass, I sadly have to admit it's true). It also has the least useful nymph, and a terrible dedicated shard. But I just can't be bothered using boring decks. So, with my heart crying, I choose useful-yet-boring. Getting some use to one of the "weak" cards, and maybe not being a forced combo would be cool. Forced combos are just horrible.