Inspired by a few cards I've already seen here and there, i though we could make a humor thread where you take the person who posted prior to you and make a card out of them

The card can be semi-serious (usable in game) of completely insane (9001

). Abilities can be based of what the person does, their personality, or again something fairly random! A few rules to lay down,
1. Put the card in a spoiler tag so we dont have massive scrolling problems
2. Try to avoid making cards for people who have been made into cards already
3. Try not to make to many cards. Between this and rule 2 people should have a fair chance at card creation and spamming should be controlled
4. Preferably Newbies or Jr. Members dont post here until they get to know the community better.
Edit: Looks like people enjoy the thread. So post! While rules 2-3 try to discourage making an obscene number of cards, making two or three isnt bad, especially if it gets this thread some momentum