I have been playing Elements for months, when I finally decided to post a deck. Based on Dragoon's "OTK FG and HB" and Amilir's Flay EM deck, I decided to make a consistent and original deck!
There are many PVP / AI3 OTK and I like them all, but there are not many FG OHKO other than this ones and Condor style ones
and Fire Lance ones (1.29: Not anymore because of the quanta cap). Note than condor style must get an early Aflatoxin for preparation
and Fire Lance looses against every single FG who has a bit of poison, momentum and PC.
NOTE: Semi unupped version link at the end of this post.
Slim version: Recommended.
This version is the fastest one. It's an autoquit against more FGs than the fatty version, but the games speed compense it. It is definitely the deck with most Electrum/hour. 13 TTW on average!
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 74a 7dr 7dr 7jq 7la 7la 7la 7n9 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 80b 80b 80b 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 8pu
The strategy is simple: start your shield chain ASAP, draw as much as you can and before you noticed it you will have the combo and enough quantum to play it

Sometimes you must start the chain without any hourglass out, sometimes you have to discard a useless hourglass. It all depends on the FG and the game itself.
Spoiler for Symphony_X's version:
Works like charm too!
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5mq 5mq 5mq 5pu 61r 61r 61r 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 74a 7dr 7dr 7jq 7n9 7q5 7q5 7q5 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 8pu
Card usage:
Hourglasses are for starting the unbreakable chain whenever you can.
Time Pendulums helps you draw faster most of the times and guarantees early and late arther quanta.
As the draw speed is high, it's usual to end the game discarding some shields or playing them when another one is in play. 18 stalling turns it's a lot!
Getting outrushed by the FG, even the fastest ones like Ferox, is extremely difficult.
It's an 8-card-combo, but you can play it 99.9% of the times!

Fatty version (updated 1.321): A bit slower games but higher win rate.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 74a 7dr 7dr 7gq 7jq 7k6 7k6 7k6 7k6 7la 7la 7la 7n9 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 80b 80b 80b 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80e 80e 8pu
Light dragon + momentum + 2x Rage Elixir + 3 Twin Universe + Sky Blitz:
[(12 + 1 + 2x6) x 2] x 4 = 25 x 2 x 4 = 50x4 = 200 One Turn Ustoppable Damage.
Chaos Lord: Only 2 Steals, Deflags and Unsoppables. You can make him spend them in hourglasses and Sancts before the shields.
Dark Matter: Putting in the 1st Sanctuary is a pain. Then, the game is yours if you get high early healing.
Decay: 4 Steals: Make him spend the first 1-2 in hourglasses and even a shield if you can, before playing a Sanctuary. After that, the game is yours. 90% EM (he can play a last-turn Drain life, but it's unlikely.
Destiny: Slow and without PC = 90% win rate and 80% EM. Granted.
Elidnis: Don't try to EM playing the 1st shield as soon as you can unless you have a Hourglass in your board. Then, it's the same as Destiny: 90% win rate.
Ferox: A bit rusher than most of the other FG, maybe you will have to play an early shield. VERY high win rate (70/80%) and EM granted.
Fire Queen: Calculate a 2 Fire Lance attak when you start the chain, but start it as late as you can. If you break the chain after mid game, you lost. Well, i got 7/10 anyways. EM granted unless he plays a last turn Fire Lance.
Gemini: It depends on him and his momentums. You can handle a pair of early unstoppable spiders/dragons, but 3 early momentumed creatures are painfull.
Hecate: 4 Steals. Make him use 1 or 2 before playing the 1st Hourglass and shield. Winnable if you have a quite good start.
Incarnate: Same as... maybe Ferox.
Lionheart: He is slow, and your healing makes you start the combo even later. The easiest one. 100% win rate, 100% EM.
Miracle: I had really bad luck otit may be a bit faster that what it seems. 80% sin rate, 100% EM.
Morte: Slower than incarnate, with some poisons. Poison is NOTHING compared with your massive healing. 90% EM if add a single Purify to the deck.
Neptune: Slow as Lionheart. The only way you don't EM is when he plays a last-turn Shockwave, what is really unlikely.
Octane: You massive healing saves you. If you survive his early UG spamming, you are safe. Calculate you helaing with shields in hand to say "In the next 3 turns I can heal X HP, so i can wait one more turn untill placing my next shield." Beatable with a normal hand.
Osiris: His momentum is nothing compared with your healing, and you can resist double-catapulted Scatabs if you play lots of healing permanents.
Paradox: Like Ferox: Fast, but makes no challenge at all.
Scorpio: 2 or 3 early Physalias can be painfull without some healing. Otherwise, it's like Morte.
Serket: With a normal (not bad) hand and an early shield, he is a piece of cake.
(Non-skipping FGs)
False god Win Loose EM
Chaos Lord 8 2 1
Dark Matter 5 5 0
Decay 8 2 6
Destiny 9 1 8
Elidnis 9 1 5
Ferox 8 2 8
Fire Queen 7 3 6
Gemini 5 5 0
Hecate 5 5 0
Incarnate 8 2 8
Lionheart 10 0 10
Miracle 8 2 8
Morte 9 1 0
Neptune 9 1 7
Octane 6 4 2
Osiris 6 4 0
Paradox 8 2 8
Scorpio 7 3 0
Total: 130 40 78 76,47%
Chaos Lord:
Dark Matter:
Fire Queen:
General strategy: Draw whatever you can ASAP, play the Shards and Sanctuaries whenever you can and let the FG happily hit you when you know you will resist the hit. In early game, play the shields with the objective of making a 3 - 6 turn healing nap. In late game you will have yo few cards and more shields than what you need and maybe you will have to discard one or play it when other one is a turn left

. The massive amount of permaments makes FG like Decay and Chaod Lord waste their PC in hourglasses and healing stuff, so then you can play the beautifull Phase shields.
It also grants you many EMs, whenever you don't have poison or momentumed creatures in the other side

It has super high win rate and EM rate against almost all the FGs.
It's always good to try new decks like this one, besides it's HELL FAST!!!
It might also work nice vs. Gold and Platinum Arena!
Try it and comment your thoughts!
I have made an unupped version too, see it here!!!