More direct ink confirming inspiration:,31187.msg425475#msg425475
Thanks, but that link was in the op already

the other shards just encourage use of a specific element, they dont force it.
Yeah, that

cost irritated many people. I figured that a card like that could only be used in a rainbow anyway. That is not really a bad thing as all the shards are best used in a rainbow because of the 'Other' cost, and Entropy is the most rainbow affine Element. So to encourage it being used in an Entropy based rainbow, why not make the activation cost Entropy?
Of course if it's too upsetting you could fix it pretty easily for example by making the cost random and raising the probability of getting an Entropy card more.
When this was in the shard competition, I thought it was simultaneously the most overpowered card in the competition and the one that would have been the most fun if it actually made it into the game
I'm glad that it inspired Shard of Serendipity.
I gotta ask, though... what were you thinking, making a card that could potentially draw 8 cards every turn? :p It should probably have been 'draw one random card'. This makes Shard of Sacrifice look like Rustler in terms of game power. I can haz 6?
I think you underestimate a little how many crap cards there are in this game.

If you really want to use it for 8 cards every turn, permanent space and creature space will soon become an issue, and you'll need tons of quanta. Draw one random card would have been incredibly weak compared to say Hourglass. The latter gives you a semi-random cards that fits into your strategy while being cheaper. "Random Fractal" was to ensure you get at least one useful card per activation. But maybe it would have to cost more.