Synergy, my pet word and my most affable attribute.
Basically this thread is to discuss ways to synergise your decks to be most effective, for the most part we do that automatically but sometimes we suffer from a lack of vision or knowledge of each and every card.
Link to Card developmant:,2960.0.htmlI have recently started to devlop cards and as most of them have been individual the do not necessarily stack with each other but this is starting to change.
Each card I have made stacks with either a card already in exsistence or another one that is in proposal phase.
I am really at a loss as to what to say but what I want to see is more ideas around how to utilise 2 or 3 cards togehter to get an amazing result.
I have also added a thread in new card ideas as an example of what to expect as you do this and have pmed both SG and Yoyobro in the hope that we can develop a competion for this purpose.
Many threads talk about the threat of Rainbows and how Monos suffer etc, this is a way for you to say what you think works best together and sure it might be a duo or tri deck but thats fine the idea behind it is to show everyone what cards work best together int he ehat of the moment (ie Oty+Plate Armour) just simple examples allthe way through to the massive combos of Dragons+Liquid Shadow+Blessing+Blessing+Parralell Universe+Quintessence.
Anyway enough said but I hope to hear from everyone and anticipate some great discussions and debates on the merits of the combos that people believe are best or not.