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All Dolled Down - Unupped Voodoo FG Farmer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=27646.msg352277#msg352277
« on: June 16, 2011, 03:36:10 pm »
I wanted to get this out there and get some feedback so it could be added to the FG Efficiency Study (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,25609.msg349334.html#msg349334).  It seems a decent doll deck could easily out perform current unupped decks.  The only problem is that dolls are difficult for newer players to grasp.

Equal credit, if not more, goes to RootRanger.  I just wanted to get the ball rolling for feedback since he has been too lazy to post  :P

Inspiration draws from linkfung's Voodoo Panic of course, and Bucky1andonly's recently slightly modded Hourglass1andonly.

Updated version:

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 55t 55t 595 595 595 595 595 595 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5v0 5v0 61r 61r 61r 61r 8pu

Thanks to TStar for inspiration on the name!
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 06:56:45 am by willng3 »

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Re: All Dolled Down - Unupped Voodoo FG Farmer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=27646.msg352285#msg352285
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2011, 03:46:53 pm »
it seems to work... almost exactly the same :D, except for the sundials :(
I suppose the win rate is much lower :(
Nice work

Re: All Dolled Down - Unupped Voodoo FG Farmer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=27646.msg352298#msg352298
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2011, 04:19:39 pm »
this deck FAILS  :( i mean nice try but i had, 30 games and llost EVERYONE and was left with  0:electrum  so please do not call it a grinder.
i had plenty of grav pulls bas blood but dude the vodoo dols never come and if they do, its no rlly a rush and if its not u just die b4 anything ACTUAlly happens so i advise u either: take it off or modify it
ps: im not a noob. im just new to the forums  :P
but im still pretty ________ mad  >:D

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Re: All Dolled Down - Unupped Voodoo FG Farmer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=27646.msg352431#msg352431
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2011, 09:33:57 pm »
If you go 0-30 with it you are extremely unlucky or playing it wrong.

It's almost impossible to consistently play this deck perfectly.
Somehow still around, somewhat

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Re: All Dolled Down - Unupped Voodoo FG Farmer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=27646.msg352514#msg352514
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2011, 12:43:03 am »
It's win percentage wasn't that high when fully upgraded
Fully upgraded it can take down akebono and is more consistent
Kirch said he was doing this for a study, so I'm eagerly awaiting stats, but I doubt the win percentage is 0 :P


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Re: All Dolled Down - Unupped Voodoo FG Farmer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=27646.msg352649#msg352649
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2011, 09:20:10 am »

  deck     All Dolled Down   
  players     kirchj33   
  version    1.27 
  win-rate     24%   
  $ track ?    enabled 
  win-rate (n)     n.a.   
  games    50 
  Score/h     -164   
  win-loss-(EM)     12-38-(0)   
  Score/h (n)    n.a.   
  time (h:m:s)     01:46:56   
  FGei[c]* (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14626.0.html  2368   
  min/game     02:08   
  FGei[cn]* (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14626.0.html  n.a.   
      Statmasta™4000                                                                *assumed card-spin/win: 35%      

  score/h  FGei(c)   Statmasta™4000    wins losses skips EM/Wins
Chaos Lord
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Dream Catcher
Eternal Phoenix
Fire Queen


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Re: All Dolled Down - Unupped Voodoo FG Farmer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=27646.msg368534#msg368534
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2011, 11:41:06 pm »
Since BL has been boring me lately.  My latest hobby has been grabbing a good book and taking this into PvP1, looking up every so often from what I am reading to see the hilarity that ensues.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)


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Re: All Dolled Down - Unupped Voodoo FG Farmer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=27646.msg375685#msg375685
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2011, 12:31:01 am »
So if im playing this deck, what do you reccomend i try to upgrade first if i want to move to a more Shak'ar upped version?


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Re: All Dolled Down - Unupped Voodoo FG Farmer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=27646.msg375703#msg375703
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2011, 01:02:19 am »
So if im playing this deck, what do you reccomend i try to upgrade first if i want to move to a more Shak'ar upped version?
I would move towards voodoo panic (Hourglass 1 and only (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,23950.0.html)).  You will have to up almost everything to get that deck to perform as intended (gpulls are definitely last priority), although you could start with PUs, dolls, & BBs to make your life a little easier as you go.


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Re: All Dolled Down - Unupped Voodoo FG Farmer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=27646.msg375725#msg375725
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2011, 02:30:33 am »
yeah i was looking at that deck, I was thinking of going for supernovas and BB first. but would supernovas mean i should change to entropy pendulums over earth... hence i thought i had better do BB at the same time... Im only winning cards slowly so i don't know if i can save up the 18k so easily. Thats wy i was wondering if there were a few cards i could upgrade as i go that woul dmake life easier but not throw off the deck. would dolls and PU provide a noticable improvement? or should i go for the saving option? Thanks for the help kirch


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Re: All Dolled Down - Unupped Voodoo FG Farmer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=27646.msg375729#msg375729
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2011, 02:37:39 am »
You are going to see more long term gains by saving and doing all of the quanta + sundials + switching marks.  However, you will have some small short term gains by doing the aforementioned upgrades. 

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Re: All Dolled Down - Unupped Voodoo FG Farmer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=27646.msg377429#msg377429
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2011, 07:33:51 pm »
Basilisk Blood is very important (I would switch to :aether pillars and an :earth mark at this point), then move to supernovas and changing to an :entropy mark. 
Once you up supernovas but not sundials you have a ~90% to draw 1 :aether pillar (if still using 4 and assuming a mulligan chance.)  Also a supernova in the first 9/10 cards, which is when you can first cast if off the mark, is ~90/93%.  Given this fact, I might test hourglass 1 and only with unupped dials for a possible chance to improve draws.  Although 3 towers gives only a ~69% chance to draw in the first 7 cards with mulligan factored.  I will try to get this put together after trials have concluded. 
To use the hourglass it should be upped.  I would note that between electrum hourglass and upped sundials I feel the drawing power "smooths" out what looks like a "bad draw."  I hope my tests will elaborate if using unupped sundials is a viable option. In any case hourglass shouldn't be used if you rely on your time quanta to play unupped sundials. 
Using twin universe obvious reduces the quanta you need to produce, while coupled with aether towers ensures you will almost never lose a game do to lack of :aether quanta. 
The next move I would make is the voodoo dolls as you get an increase of 4 hp.  Gravity pull to gravity force should never be a problem once you get supernova but there is slight possibility of helping against some of the more difficult match ups, like Decay or Chaos Lord or Dream Catcher (thanks majofa for being a fg guru :P
As a final note, I often prefer a cloak mod to increase my odds against rewind or mutating gods.  Also it can save your hourglass or sundial when you may really need it against pc heavy fgs.  As with gravity pull this isn't a huge boon upped, but against some 1 quanta saved may give you the edge you need against devs/discord. 


blarg: RootRanger