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Game 1 : He got an early arsenic and a couple novas to ruin the effectiveness of my early discord. I got out a quinted Forest Spirit that started growing, and managed to buff a teen wolf. I deflagged Arsenic, but held my second when I saw the wealth of unused Aether that told me the chained Phase Shields were on the way. I got out some more critters, lost one to lightning, and was beginning to imagine that I'd be able to deflag the Phase Shield, Black Hole to keep me alive (I had only taken Arsenic damage, but was at 10 poison counters), unburrow, one hit kill! Crowd goes wild! Adoring women everywhere! Only problem was that I was down to 5 cards, and hadn't found the Black Hole yet. It desynced while I was still daydreaming of my awesome victory, and I saw the AI completely misplay every card that was needed to beat me. At that point, the Bone Wall and multiple lightnings were enough to show me I lost that one, all fantasies aside. Jumped back into chat and gave YoungSot the game.
Game 2 (Part 1): I got an early discord, he got an early Arsenic which I deflagged, to have it replaced with another. He was stuck with some terrible pillar situation, and the scramble made it worse. This time I bad the Black Hole in hand and was busy having a new daydream where I was going to clear his pitiful quanta pool with Black Hole, then lay down lycanthropes and forest spirits, buffing them before he could fuel his lightning based revenge... I didn't quite get to the part where the adoring women arrived in my fantasy when it desynced for good. At this point everything Flash based failed to work... I could load chat, but there was no content, only the border. Elements would not load. My web based chat I had up with Team Entropy wouldn't load that chat, and my Kong game in another window would not load. Tried on a second PC... same issue... ran through basic troubleshooting, no avail. Took deep breath, finished work. Drove home... long delay until the next game which I felt pretty bad about because it was all on my end.
At home, everything seems to be working, YoungSot is in chat, and I am ready to get back to fantasizing about what it might take to get past all of these walls, lightnings and sundials.
Game 2 (Part 2): Early weapons for both of us again, and the scramble lets me drop an early Forest Spirit which I get up to an amazing 15/15 before he drops 3 lightnings on them to stop the madness. Wiped out a Bone Wall with SuperSpirit (before the triple lightning), Discord, and burrowed Grabby. I was feeling pretty good about that, but I wasn't feeling very good about the poison counters that were piling up again. I had a small fantasy about that drawing the Black Hole when the rest of the Lightnings finished me off.
Good games and well played by YoungSot. MVP Bone Walls... they really put a crimp in my style.