Since this is a new event a lot of kinks need to be worked out with the rules. If you disagree with the changes feel free to comment in this thread. Discussion is good, but lets keep it civil and constructive.
I will be changing this rule.
"If for any reason the match doesn't happen, it's treated as a victory for the Aide" (Champion becomes Challenger, Challenger becomes Aide, Aide becomes Champion)
To this:
-If both teams do not make an attempt to play then the rule stands.
-If the Challenger does not make an attempt the Aide becomes the Challenger, Champion stays Champion.
-If the Champion does not make an attempt the Challenger becomes Champion, Aide becomes Challenger.
-If both Champion and Challenger make a legitimate effort I to meet up but can't the Champion will stay Champion and Challenger becomes Aide. This is not set in stone though and i will make a decision upon individual cases.
Reason: I don't want people abusing the rule to prevent a team from winning.
The win condition rule for round 1 will be changed this:
-Round 1: 9 Champions to win.
-Round 2: 9 Champions to win.
-Round 3: 8 Champions to win.
-Round 4+: 7 Champions to win.
Reason: This has nothing to do with teams being stacked or what not. This just has to do with this possibly ending too quickly with people not playing. People complaining about stacked teams is irrelevant to me. These events are made to be fun (winning is nice) and IMO it would be a pity for Stage I to end because of a rule that probably should have been different.
I PMed all of team 2 with this suggested change and there were 5 yes's 3 neutrals, and 2 neutral/no (would prefer to keep the rule the same but won't be upset if it is changed). So thank you Team 2 for being so gracious and sportsmanlike. Also good luck in round 2.
Other rules that were changed/added from the original:
- Rounds are best out of 3.
- You may change decks between rounds.
- Quantum Pillars and Shards are banned
- 33% of cards must be in element
Because this tourny needs to end and get to Stage II, after Round 8 is finished, if we still do not have a team with 7 champions the Team that wins will be determined by the following:
- The team with the most Champions wins.
- If there is a tie winner will be determined by the Champions cumulative win record.
- If that is a tie.... i shoot everyone.
- Okay just kidding. If that's a tie I will be moving on the players with the best records within their element. If there is a tie and one is the current champion they will move on. If the current champion does not have the best record i will give the two opponents with the best record's 48 hours to play a sudden death match (1 game) with each player getting 10 upped cards and the choice of any aides. Decks must have 50% of in element cards.