I happen to be pretty good at math, so here's the formula I derived for the chance of getting 1+ cards: Take the total amount of each TYPE, then -1, followed by dividing that number by the number of cards the FG has. Follow that by calculating the average percentage (to calculate average you add the percentage of every type of cards Divide Glory then divide by x different cards there are).
Example) Divide Glory has 10 Explosions, out of a total of 80 cards. I would take that number, -1, then divide it by 80 to find out the chance of drawing 1+ Explosion. The result is 11.3% of drawing 1+ cards. If I want to calculate the chance of 2+ Explosions, I would -2 then divide by 80. The result is 10%. You get the idea.
Now to calculate the TOTAL percentage of drawing more than +1 of ANY type, I would have to calculate all the chances of drawing more than 1+ card for every type of cards Divide Glory has, with the formula given in the above example. Then I insert those numbers into the formula for calculating average, given in the first paragraph. If I want to calculate the chance of drawing 2+ of ANY type, I would have to calculate all the chances of drawing 2+ cards for every type of cards Divine Glory has, etc.