yeah or this+RoL Decks+ luminessence = holy wtf sugarwaffles, you'd have an im penetrable defense(mostly) a monster with a 22l22 and on top of that the chance of dragons being bioluminesseced then playing this
you make it seem as if this card is OP but you're talking about 4 cards combo BEFORE adding in <this> card
rols + luminescence/light nymph + this is a 3 cards combo that gives this creature 6+ HP AT MOST on first casting (not subsequent use of luminescence, rinse and repeat)
the only way to have a 22|22 <this> is either by fractal, graveyard's generated skellys or actually hard casting all vanilla (no ability) creatures to fill the entire creature slot except for one of <this> on first casting
this wont break the bank by any means (no more than say, a Chimera would anyway)