Dragonfly is another small critter creature that packs a tiny punch. While it has the same stats as a Photon (1|1), its ability to generate 1 quanta each turn, regardless of whether its upgraded or not, can help supplement decks that often focus on playing Air cards quickly and efficiently.
General Use
Quick Facts:
- Generates one
quanta per turn when in play (both forms).
- Dragonfly’s upgraded form, Damselfly, does not require any quanta to play and has double the ATK in comparison.
The Air element generally relies on its pillars, towers, and pendulums to gain quanta, but that’s where the Dragonfly comes in. While the Dragonfly requires 1
to play, as long as it doesn’t die that turn, one
quanta will also be generated. From this, Dragonfly technically replenishes the cost needed to use it; its upgraded form Damselfly requires no quanta to use however, allowing it to act as an offensive pillar that can’t be targeted by Earthquake or other permanent control. Damselfly also has 2 ATK in comparison to its unupped counterpart, but both versions are still vulnerable towards all CC.
Because of its potential in a mono-deck, Damselfly is often paired up with various Air cards, especially those that have expensive abilities. The Wyrm | Elite Wyrm, for example, is a decent attacker that uses a lot of
quanta in order to use its ability, Dive. Having multiple Dragonflies or Damselflies on the field can help players use the Dive ability more often due to the quanta generation, while also simultaneously dealing modest damage to opponents. Likewise, the rare weapon for Air, Owl’s Eye, requires 2
per turn in order to use its Snipe skill, which can often drain users quickly depending on the durability of the enemy’s creatures. Having a few Dragonflies in any mono-Air deck can significantly speed up the deck and often ease up the stress on
quanta for such abilities.
Sky Blitz | Sky Blitz is one of the most potentially expensive cards to use in a deck with airborne creatures, especially as it drains all
quanta. However, Dragonflies work well with Sky Blitz in two ways. Firstly upon playing Sky Blitz, Dragonflies can help refuel
quanta to the player; the second is that the creatures also benefit from Sky Blitz as they are also airborne (like all of the other Air creatures, excluding the Nymph). With several upped Damselflies in the field, a Sky Blitz can double the damage from two ATK to four, making them incredibly potent attackers worth their cost, and that’s not including any other buffs used on them beforehand.
To add on a surprise tactic, one could use Immolation | Cremation on a Damselfly in order to reap a large amount of
quanta for Fire creatures (like a Lava Golem or Phoenix) and abilities (Unstable Gas). The same tactic could be theoretically used on a Dragonfly, but because Dragonfly is not free, the combo can be considered a bit slower than the upped format. In either case though, Air and Fire have numerous synergies within their cards, and in this case, as both of these provide near-instant quanta, Cremation and/or Damselfly can help fuel an Air-Fire duo-deck easily.
Other Cards With Synergy
Decks that also use quanta in spare amounts can also sprinkle Dragonflies (or Damselflies) in their deck for damage and quanta generation. Creatures such as Pegasus and Flesh Spider have abilities that can be fueled easily by a single Damselfly for example (if one doesn't use an Air mark), while a few spells, such as Butterfly Effect and Adrenaline can grant the Dragonfly abilities to easily destroy certain shields. Shard of Freedom also becomes a welcome addition to Dragonfly spammers, as the minor damage boost and evasive properties bestowed onto the critters can be very beneficial in the long run.
Dragonfly can be a highly overshadowed card due to its low stats, but what it lacks in damage and durability is compensated by a nifty ability that often helps many -heavy decks within the game.
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