8. BattleBattles happen in WoE when two players, who occupy the same hex, have
stances that activate a battle. When you are listed as
Locked in Battle in a round topic, you will contact your opponent and fight a best-of-three battle. After the battle, you will gain bonuses or penalties based on what kind of deck you used, and whether or not you win or lost. Losers get sent to Spirit World where they have to wait for
8.1 StancesStances are used to determine who fights who, and how many bonus upgraded cards players can use. Some stances have a
target (other player), others do not. If you want to change your stance, you need to use an Action (#post_actions). Non-default stance lasts only one round, after which it resets back to the default stance.You can have only one stance active at a time.
Name | AP | Description | Usage | Example |
Defend | - | Default stance. If you are not using a action to change your stance, it will always be using 'Defend' (unless you have a skill that changes your default stance). 'Defend' means that you are not actively looking for a fight, but will fight if attacked. | - | Round 1. Bill has the default stance of 'Defend'. Bill suspects someone will try to attack him this round, so he uses the action 'Fortify' and changes his battle stance to 'Fortify' for Round 1. However nobody attacks him, and when Round 2 starts, Bill once again has the default stance of 'Defend'. |
Attack All | 1 | can be used to attack enemies on your current hex. It is useful in a situation where you want to attack anyone who might move to the same hex as you. Your opponent will be chosen randomly from all the available players you are not at Peace with. | Attack All | Bill finds a valuable resource in hex 38 and wants it all to himself. Bill uses 'Attack All' action. During that same round, John and Frank enter hex 38, both with 'Defend' stance. Bill gets randomly seeded against either John or Frank, and the two become locked in battle. |
Attack *Element* | 1 | | Attack Fire | |
Attack *Player* | 1 | Instead of being seeded against an opponent randomly, you can choose a target player and only be seeded against that player, while having 'Defend' stance against everyone else. If your target is not in the same hex as you after the movement phase, your attack fails. | Attack John | Bill, John and Frank are all in the same hex. Bill wants to attack Frank, so he uses an action 'Attack Frank'. However during movement phase, Frank moves to a neighboring hex. Frank and Bill are no longer in the same hex during battle phase, so Bills attack fails. Bill should have used 'Charge' or 'Aggressive Charge' instead. |
Charge *Player* | 1 | If your target is in an adjacent hex when the battle phase starts, you will automatically move to that same hex and lock your target in battle. If your target is in the same hex, 'Charge' acts like a regular attack. If your target is more than 1 hex away, 'Charge' fails, but you still move one hex towards your target. | Charge Bill | Bill and Frank are in the same hex. Bill wants to attack Frank but suspects he might try to flee. Bill uses 'Charge Frank'. During movement phase, Frank does indeed try to flee by moving to the next hex. Doesn't matter though because 'Charge Attack' causes Bill to move to that same hex automatically, and they get locked in battle.
To avoid battle, Frank could have done one of the following: 1. Moved to a City, Town or Fortress hex 2. Moved so that the distance of Bill and Frank would have been two or more hexes 3. Asked someone use 'Protect Frank' action 4. Use a Stone of Return |
Aggressive Charge *Player* | 2 | Identical to regular 'Charge' but with two major differences:
1. Aggressive Charge costs 2 Action Points to use 2. You will move up to 2 hexes if needed | Aggressive Charge Bill | Bill and Frank are in the same hex. Bill wants to attack Frank but suspects he might try to flee. Bill uses 'Aggressive Charge Frank'. During movement phase, Frank does indeed try to flee by moving two hexes away from Bill. Doesn't matter though because 'Charge Attack' causes Bill to move to that same hex automatically, and they get locked in battle.
To avoid battle, Frank could have done one of the following: 1. Moved to a City, Town or Fortress hex 2. Moved so that the distance of Bill and Frank would have been three or more hexes 3. Asked someone use 'Protect Frank' action 4. Use a Stone of Return |
Fortify | 1 | Preparing for battle by quickly improving your defenses. If 'Attacked' while 'Fortified', you will be able to use up to 3 additional upgraded cards. If 'Charged' or 'Aggressive Charged', you will be able to use up to 6 additional upgraded cards. | Fortify | Bill has the default stance of 'Defend'. Bill suspects someone will try to attack him this round, so he uses the action 'Fortify' and changes his battle stance to 'Fortify'. Frank 'Charges' Bill, which was a mistake because Bill was prepared for it, and can now use 6 additional upgraded cards. |
Protect *Player* | 1 | Protect an ally from attacks. If the ally you are 'Protecting' gets attacked, you will take his or her place in the battlefield. If the ally has any other stance besides 'Defend' or 'Fortify', your 'Protect' is canceled and you will revert back to your default stance. | Protect Frank | Bill, John and Frank are all in the same hex. John suspects that Bill wants to attack Johns ally, Frank. John uses an action 'Protect Frank'.
John was right, Bill wants to attack Frank and uses 'Attack Frank'. Normally Bill and Frank would be locked in battle, but since John is using 'Protect Frank', he will take Franks place in the battlefield. Bill and John get locked in battle, and Frank lives to see another day. |
8.2 Locked in BattleLocked in battle happens between two players when one (or both) use 'Patrol', 'Attack' or 'Charge' and the other one is in range. When two players are locked in battle, they do not start the round by spending Action Points. Instead they contact their opponent and fight a best-of-three PvP battle using Elements the Game website (
Round topics list all the players who are locked in battle during that round. If your name is on the list, you have to fight.
If the battle does not happen during the first round (for example players cannot find a suitable time for it), you will stay "locked in battle" for a second round. If the fight doesn't happen during that round either, then a win is assigned by the organizers to the more active player.
Round 1. Bill and Frank are locked in battle. Unfortunately they cannot find a time when both would be online, so the fight does not happen. They stay locked in battle for a second round.
Round 2. Bill and Frank manage to fight their battle. Bill won. Frank gets send Spirit World, while Bill gets to use 2 Action Points right after his PvP win, during this same round. Had the two fought their battle during round 1, Bill would only be able to use 1 Action Point.
8.3 Contacting Your OpponentPlayers are responsible for contacting their opponents and making the fight happen.
IMPORTANT: If you have a skill that somehow affects the deckbuilding of your opponent, you are responsible for letting your opponent know about this at least 12 hours in advance. If you do not inform your opponent about your skills in time, those skills will not be included in that battle.
Bill and Frank are locked in battle. Bill PM's Frank the following message:
Hi, Frank.
We are locked in battle in WoE. I am available for battle tomorrow (Thursday) from 12GMT to 18GMT, and on Friday from 16GMT to 21GMT. Do any of these times suit you?
I have the following skills:
Diversion (Nova)
Looking forward to our epic battle.
Frank then responds with a similar PM, and when they find a suitable time, the battle will happen.
If Bill hadn't mention that he has Nihilism until the last minute before the fight, Frank wouldn't have had to follow the "can only use up to 4 copies of any one card" rule.[/color]
8.4 DeckbuildingIn WoE you can basically use whatever deck you want, as long as these two requirements are met:
- Your WoE character owns all the cards in your deck
- You have the mark skill of the mark you are using
In other words, you can only use the cards your character has, and you can only use a mark your character has. Keep in mind that you also need to have these cards in your
game account. If your WoE character has some rare cards that you'd like to use, you cannot use them if you don't have them on your game account as well.
Even though you can build any kind of deck you want, building certain kind of deck gives you bonuses, while others give you penalties. Read more about that in After a Battle.
Unless you have a skill or item that allows it, you cannot make any changes to your deck or mark during the battle.
8.5 Battle Starts
8.6 Battle Result TopicWinner starts a new topic in the "Battle Results" section. That topic includes the deck used and a short description of the battle. Winner can also salvage up to 6 cards from the losing deck.
Loser posts his or her deck on the "Battle Results" topic started by the winner. Loser has to discard 12 cards from his or her deck, and wait for resurrection.
8.7 Experience and Reputation Gains a LossesWhen you win or lose a PvP battle, your Experience and Reputation changes. There are three deciding factors:
- Did you win or lose
- Who did you fight against
- What type of deck did you use
First two are called
Basic XP and Reputation Change and the last one is
Bonus XP and Reputation Change. Your total XP and Reputation gains (or losses) after a battle, are a combination of these two.
8.7.1 Basic XP and Reputation ChangeAction | Experience Change | Reputation Change |
Defeat a lower level player | +2 XP | 0 |
Defeat a player of same level | +3 XP | +1 Rep |
Defeat a higher level player | +4 XP | +2 Rep |
Loss against a lower level player | 0 | -1 Rep (of your element) |
Loss against same or higher level player | 0 | 0 |
8.7.2 Bonus XP and Reputation ChangeUse the first table if you are not an Underworld player, and the second table if you are.

Type of deck used | Experience Change | Reputation Change |
Mono-Deck of your element | +1 XP | +1 Rep (of your element) |
Mono-Deck | 0 | +1 Rep (element of the mono-deck) |
More than 50% of cards from your element. Any mark allowed. | +1 XP | 0 |
Less than 50% of cards from your element. Any mark allowed. | 0 | -1 Rep (of your element) |

Type of deck used | Experience Change | Reputation Change |
No more than 3 copies of cards from any element. | +1 XP | +1  Rep |
No more than 6 copies of cards from any element. | +1 XP | 0 |
Mono-Deck of any element | 0 | +1 Rep (element of the mono-deck) -1  Rep |
8.8 ResurrectionIf you are defeated in battle, your character ascends to Spirit World. After 1 full round of waiting, your character will resurrect at the Capital City of your element, unless that city is either under siege or conquered, in which case you resurrect at a random Town of your element. If there are no ally Cities or Tows on the map, or all of them are under siege, you will stay in Spirit World until the situation changes. If you stay in Spirit World for 3 rounds, you will get resurrected in a random location.
8.9 Example of a BattleRound 1.Bill and Frank are in the same hex. Bill uses the action 'Attack Frank'. Frank does nothing. Because one is attacking and the other one is defending (default stance) Bill and Frank become
locked in battle.
Round 2.Bill and Frank see from the round topic that they have been locked in battle. They do not spend any Action Points during this round. Bill contacts Frank using a PM, and the two decide to fight at noon (GMT). They both show up in Elements Chat and fight. Bill wins the battle and starts a new topic about it. Both players post their decks in that topic. Bill secretly salvages 6 cards, any cards, from the deck that Frank used. Frank secretly discards 12 cards, any cards, from the deck he used.
Round 3.Frank lost the battle so he has to spend 1 round in Spirit World doing nothing. Bill was the winner, so he continues posting his actions as usual.
8.9 SiegeSiege can be used to take control of a city or a town. Each city and town has two lines of defense.
1. WallWalls protect a city or town from attackers. Walls have hit points (HP). Towns have a Wall with 50HP, and cities have a Wall with 100HP. Hit points can be restored by repairing the wall. This can be done by either a player with the

Repair, or by hiring NPC’s to do all the work.
Attackers can reduce Wall HP by using the Siege action. Having Siege Weapons helps to take down a wall much faster. When the HP of a Wall goes to zero, wall is destroyed and attackers can enter the city or town.
2. Player Defenders and NPC GarrisonAfter attackers enter a city or town, they have to defeat all the defending players and NPC garrison.
Player defenders are players located in that hex, who get matched up randomly with attackers. If the number of attackers is larger than the number of defending players, the remaining attackers will get matched up with NPC garrison. Remember, if a city or town is under siege or under attack, players cannot resurrect there.
NPC garrison is a number of cards that the defending players can use for build decks as their final line of defense, without having to have their character in that hex. NPC garrisons have different levels. All towns start with a level 1 garrison, and all cities start with a level 3 garrison. The level of garrison determines how strong they are, in other words, how many cards and decks are defending. Garrisons can be upgraded by the King of an element, although it will not be cheap.
Level 1 - 60 upped cards
Level 2 - 90 upped cards
Level 3 - 120 upped cards
Level 4 - 150 upped cards
Level 5 - 180 upped cards
Level 6 - 240 upped cards
Once all the defending players have been defeated, and the NPC garrison has less than 30 cards, the attackers can either claim control of the city and start rebuilding the defenses, or burn it to the ground and gain a fixed amount of resources in the process. If they do the latter, the city or town is permanently removed from the map.
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