Economics/Trading:What to trade?Resource--used for crafting and constructing stuff; can be found when PvE, doing quests, transforming cards.
Card--to craft other rare cards or to transform it to resource or to sell them back to people in your empire.
Electrum--used for buying stuff, hiring people/service.
Who trades with whom?Traders include: players, NPC merchants (maybe from other dimensions)
How to trade?Trading CenterTraders use land route or sea route (So-called Silk Road and Maritime route) to go to a Trading Center that has 3 gates which are road-connected and 1 water-connected gate.
Traders bring their items here, open a shop and start to buy/sell/trade in person (or they can hire a service--Global Auctioning) then go back to their empire.
NPC merchantsThey come from other dimensions (use skill/item to open a dimension or hire someone to do so). They want various of different things. When traders satisfy them, they receive big awards.
Rule:Trading basic requirements:Land route: hire people to go with you on the trade because there will be barbarians (npcs) or even groups of player trying to steal from you; and maybe you need to buy some animals to carry the resource (if any).
Sea route: own at least one ship (buying or building one using resource) if you can’t breathe underwater. Water element can swim to the Trading Center with carry-animals. Hire people to escort you because there will be pirates, who are players owning ships, and underwater-npcs.
When to trade?+There’s a trading quest
+Receive orders from players
+You want to travel
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and to be a shopkeeper