It's not bad, but there are some, mainly usability, issues.
First of all it's too narrow and too tall. It needs to be stretched horizontally and.. made less tall vertically. Reason for that is to make it fit in one screen without needing to scroll the browser.
Also the data needs to be sorted out a bit I think. For example "bio" should have the most important spot because it's just flavor text and is not even visible to anyone outside your team.
Using a two column system might work here. On the left you have all the hard facts, and on the right you have the role-playing and story stuff like bio and quests. Keep in mind that the list of completed quests is going to be long.
I've been known to be a control freak at times, and I can already say that it's going to be
very difficult for me to accept something that is not 99% of what I had in mind.

Character Sheet is a big part of WoE so I would really want to make it as good as possible.
It would probably be best if I did something of my own to give a better idea of what I had in mind. We could then bounce off ideas from each other, and hopefully make the final version perfect.