Okay I would go with the

due vs. Time. The reason is simple: Ghostal/Fractadragon.
- Nightmare wrecks Fractal if played with care (this is the only reason I requested two NMs in that deck earlier)
- Steals can take care of Dimshields, but much more importantly, Eternity.
Sadly, we have to discard 27 from that deck. That means we can save around 2 steals and a NM. that makes for a crappy duo with water pillars and darkness cards off the mark.
The other option is some creatureless stall with the dimshields. Luckily, we have that deck. For the rest of the cards, we have to keep our bolts. We can also salvage a single lucky Lightning. Maybe we can paly the PUs to play it on a dragon or ghost if an eternity is not out. Or if they come with another type of deck.
Vs. Death, if we could keep the chargers and the titan, and make a duo with the squids packed in...
1st deck: save the chargers the Titan and a crawler.
2nd deck:save 4 bolts and whatnot.
3rd deck: save 2 steals 1 NM
one lightning, 2 whatever to convert.
PS it just ocurred to me that we could use the Valkyr vs. time. make it fat to deck them.
Basically we have 2 decks: The Valkyr and my PU dragons I used last round.