Holy shit, we've got a lot of TOUGH matches this round. When I looked at the OP, I didn't notice that the actual opponents weren't listed. This is going to be hard, and it's time to get REALLY out of the box.
In order of how hard the matches are going to be (hardest to easiest), I predict:
1) Vinvick vs. Xdude
2) Raving vs. Kael Hate
3) Nilsie vs. KDZ
4) Wavedash vs. Xuru
5) Miniwally vs. jmdt
6) Dictator vs. coinich
7) Unit vs. Gyrodiot
8 ) Bluesky vs. willing3
9) Me vs. Numbers.
As such, I'm going to give complete deck and strategy suggestions for every one of those matches, in the order of difficulty, so the most challenging match gets the first pick of cards, etc.
I'm also going to choose cards from the Propaganda bonus based on what I think will most help us through some of these difficult fights.
OK, everyone keeps talking about Pegasai, but our glance into the Light Vault shows
zero Pegasai. Their only permanent control comes from deflags; their only denial comes from Earthquakes (which, given the rest of their vault, only really looks good in a Stoneskin/Miracle Stall). More importantly their
only offense cards are Phoenix, Ice Bolt, Morning Star, and Dune Scorpion.
To me, that means that the only fast offense they have at all is Dune+Blessing, which is brutal, but they won't bring it against us because they know we pack Purifies.
So, how to take advantage of a slow offense without risking a loss to plural Miracles? I think Wavedash had the answer last time, but we didn't go far enough down the path: Mindgates are the win vs. Light. We have an advantage in that they don't know that we have Dim Shields, so they're not likely to bring mad permanent control.
5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5ia 5ia 5id 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 622 623 623 623 623 623
OK, here's the deal with this deck. If you see a Mark of Time, hold your Purifies until you can start chaining Dim Shields, because Neurotoxin is a bitch. Otherwise, play them right away because every point of damage you can heal will be helpful. With 5 Ice Bolts in your hand, it takes 102 quanta to kill your opponent. BUT, if you can draw Fractal+Ice Dragon, you can OHK MUCH earlier by casting several Ice Bolts and then a Dragon and Fractalling it and casting 8 more copies all in one round.
In the meantime, you want to Mindgate as much as you can to copy their strategy and use it against them. I think this is our best chance of pulling this HUGE upset -- which I'd really like to see happen.
Vinvick, your assignment is to, between now and your match with Xdude, figure out how to quickly calculate IceBolt damage so you know exactly when to Bolt.
Interestingly, the Darkness Vault shows no Earthquakes, which means a standard EQ+Devourer denial is unlikely. They'd have to run Fractal Pests to really deny us strongly, and I don't think Kael Hate regards this match as threatening enough to warrant Fractal Pests, seeing as he's only got enough Fractals to do that once and Darkness is also facing down the Master of Fire, the former Master of Gravity, and one
opponent. So, while denial is always an issue vs. Devourers, it's not going to be overwhelming.
On the other hand, Kael Hate fought for me in the last War, and he knows my basic sense of style. That might work against me, so I'm going to go with my
second idea on the theory that KH will adequately counter my first.
They've kind of got us over a barrel because they have Quints and Phase Dragons to avoid CC, and Steals to avoid Ice Shield. So, we're going to do something they won't see coming: a deck designed to outrush them.
5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5c1 5c1 5c1 5c5 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c8 5c8 5c8 5c8 5i6 5i6 5i6 5ig 5ig 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm
Strategy is simple: Freeze the Devourers to get enough quanta to get going. Adrenaline a Forest Scorpion. Use Nymphs Tears to create Green Nymphs to generate more Adrenaline. Forest Spirits will provide big hitters that can survive a Parasite's Infection easily. This deck neatly sidesteps Antimatter by using Poison and Growth to drive the damage home, kills Bone Wall, and works through Dusk Mantle and Basilisks Blood by attacking a lot and inflicting poison. Problem cards from their Vault: Lightning (will kill Scorpions fast), Purify (they will probably bring this, but if they do, it means they're probably using a deck like KH used in Round 1, which SHOULD perish to Freeze on it's Graboids and then outrush by Spectres and Nymphs...hopefully.)
I rate this about 60/40 in our favor with this deck. I'm also tempted to use a Propaganda Card or two to acquire Heals to use with this deck...IDK
Damn...I'm out of time for now. That went by way too fast. Tell me what you think of my estimations and ideas thus far, and I'll try to do more later.