
Bonebolt (Death variant) - This deck is strong. Strong. Horribly strong.
Speed Poison - Uuuuh. This gets destroyed by purify, easily.
Fractal Spider - Blonde is a fan of this. The deck that worked gruesomely against this one was the old Flooding Antimatter. {And I still managed to lose that matchup}
Pandebonium (Death variant) - This works good.
DBH Trio - It could be a fun one. The deck is quite clumsy and risky.
Raging Bones - This deck is unlikely to see, but it's a chance if they prefer PC over Fractal (Like Bonebolt, say).
Immocatcher - Hard nerfed since Immo nerf, unlikely we'll see this again.

Frachargers - Why shouldn't they? Nils is lame.
Disc/BH (gravity version) - See Frachargers. This one is way less deadlier than Entropy's
CataTitans - This is probably their best deck.
Accelmagio - Quack. They're not gonna bother quintessence, it'd make the deck too slow.
Adrenamercs - Hurr. This deck is deadly, they just don't know it.
DevourerBH - They might not've it.
Fire Eater - Weak, slow. This gets destroyed by CC.
Otyugh Shield - Meep. Poisonous creatures laugh in their face.
Stone Blooded Dragons Catapult - No f-ing way they're gonna use it again. Not against us.
Magnolia (Titan Crusaders) - I don't think they have it. But man that might be something.