Hello and Welcome everyone in Team Water!
Before we get started let me point out some things:
First before anything: We are here to win, remember that. Water placed low in previous Wars for various reasons, but we are here to prove that wrong. We can't compete in an event like this, unless we're planning to 'dominate' it. And we have our means to do it too.
Second: War is work. If we'll be doing great later, then it may become a hell lot of a fun at one point, but until then, it's 100% blood-sweating labor; be prepared.
And third: War is long (and hopefully it will be) and will last for many weeks. Show some endurance.
That said, I have only one thing that I will seek and demand from everyone in this team, and that is Dedication. I know we all have our things to do, but please; be here if you can, think, play, and try to learn to love Water if you haven't already.
And to respect your opponents.
Now let's get this going:
Use this space to say hello (if you haven't already) and to provide some basic (and mostly contact) information about you, just in case.
I'll start:
IGN/Forum/Chatname: Tiko - just call me Tiko.
e-mail: tikotribe@gmail.com
I can provide msn, skype, facebook, or whatever too - but I seldomly use those.
Feel free to contact me outside the Forums too, if there is a need for it.
Now, let's feed the fishes.