Edit: You know, you seem to like bashing zanz a lot for things that I feel the community was involved in.
Well spoken, this is your feel, not mine. My feeling is that zanz ignores the community in 98% of all game changes he implements. Like creating a shard competition and use it, by the way, just to have ideas about what not implement. Yeah, I think there are better options than this shard of patience, or focus, or sacrifice (in fact, this was not in the competition, but wouldnt be hard to create a better

shard) or other ones. Who picked these ones? And in fact who picked this shard BS instead of developing elemental cards? Was it a community request, too? Who is ignoring tons of good card ideas approved by the community in the card forge and throwing us shards and a redundant fire card? In fact, not only the card forge, I also feel the Game Suggestion section is also ignored by zanz.
About the nerfs, Im sure hes not nerfing cards because of 'people frustrated about the card in arena'. Considering the electrum bonus for each league, we can assume that Bronze league is by far the most played. And to fresh people that really need to play it to gather a reasonable set of rare cards, I bet Dim Shield is the most hated card there.
Speed, control and stall decks have a rock-paper-scissors result scheme. SN is played because its the fastest card in a speed deck, which doesnt make them super-decks. Nerf needed? Maybe, but is this singularity thing necessary? Oh, it should be a community demmand, too, right?
And something to think about. There will always be something frustrating to fight against. Fire decks were frustrating? Ok, nerf them and they are no more frustrating. But now (suppose) mono Darkness decks are frustrating. Nerf them, and now Light stall is frustrating, nerf it and other deck is frustrating, and so on. Whats the point? Instead of getting more strategies, we get the ones we have downgraded. Its the wrong way to a card game, I think.