Wow. Um... hmm...
Poison, and sosac have been becoming more and more prominent. Now purify deals with both?
I have already been running more purifies than SoGs in my rainbow stalls. One less healing for 2 less quanta (although color fixed), and saves you from the countless death/scorp/poison rushes you see everywhere.
This actually poses an interesting dilema of sorts.
Stall decks have absolutely no need to remove SoSacs, because they can afford to simply wait them out. They can be easily be overrun by an arsenic, however through long games if they don't get rid of it or have purifies.
Rush decks win through damage, not healing. They should be able to win before poison kills them. However, SoSac completely shuts down rushes for about three turns, and purify flat out negates it.
Those two uses are used in opposing situations. This is becoming more and more of a battle of the flexing metagame.
Purifying creatures... I've seen this suggested multiple times as a buff for angel, removing poison. But purify again? I would have preferred a sort of diversity. Liquid angels would have been cooler, compliment to raging angels.

All in all, I think this is a good temporary patch to Sosac. Everyone runs this, no one runs sosac, purify becomes useless in rushes, people stop running it, Sosac returns, etc. Very hard to see a rush deck with enough purifies to consistently beat through Sosac (have one in hand when needed. Maybe 2?) without using up siginificant space (2 slots that would otherwise be used for beaters)