New suggestionPast round of 18 discards, if 2 teams have 2 or more matchups in the same round, allow the smaller vault to call for hero/champion/some-other-epic-name.
Instead of all those fights, two teams fight a single match (maybe best out of 5), where both teams field mostly upgraded deck (say 50%+ of the deck upped) and fight for the greater reward in salvaging / lesser penalty in discards than total of all those fights would be.
Any team member can fight that match, even if he's playing regular match in some other duel (it would probably be the master or lieutenant of the team, whoever can afford the deck).
- Epicness! More epic fights are always a good thing, and high stakes of a single fight, together with upgraded cards involved adds to it.
- Practical reason: lesser vault has a chance to build one great deck instead of making couple of crappy ones, or suicides or whatever. It would possibly cut down the number of suicide decks, depending on the draw of the opponents.
- Moar tactical space.
- Role playing excuse - 2-3 fights between same teams just means larger war groups fighting each other, not necessarily fighting at 3 different locations; calling your best fighter to solve that bloodbath one on one seem to happen in history according to legends

Salvages/Discards could depend on number of battles that round. Say 75% of total salvages and discards that would happen in that round from all the fights. Ie, for 2 fights, winner would salvage 9, loser would discard 45. For 3 fights it would be 14 salvages, 68 discards.
Salvager takes cards from fighting deck, Loser discards fighting deck + rest of the cards from vault at their own choice.