- When the bug was noticed by Higs, why did she not contact another Admin to take care of the issue?
- Why did Higs not inform the WM's of the bug and the need to have it fixed?
- Why were Aether's sections not entered during the bug fix?
- Why were Aether's deck choices entered individually after an opponents decks posted?
- Why would Aether choose some of those decks as there are better options than some posted?
Not much time, but I can give you some quick replies.
1. The bug, as I said, assigns access seemingly randomly and several groups had, visibly speaking, access to several private boards including TO and the Admin board. The latter was the most alarming of course, since the code generator is there. I didn't know how long access had been open or if was just a visual bug, which is why I had to fix it
ASAP and verify that it was fixed.
2. Here I've failed in transparency. When an employer settles into their habit, they stop bothering their boss with every single problem, and since I've solved this bug before I simply solved it again.
3. Here I toggled several more boards than just War boards, but the changes that did go through were confusing. Again the visual problem with toggling boards not corresponding to the same boards actually being opened was an issue. This is why I had to verify what boards were visible and not.
4. This one isn't quite accurate. I would always have time to deckbuild on the Saturday (about 7 hours due to sleep), and sometimes on late Fridays (about 4 hours), and normally I'd enter in several decks at once after a long series of tests. Sometimes I'd enter in one at a time since it was practical to get the vault ready. The more unpredictable ones always take more time, and I often struggled for longer with some elements (mainly Darkness and Death). Some predictions took a lot more testing to find a reliable answer to, such as the CP Dune deck (was initially going to run Grabbow to save time).
5. In round 3, my options in some matchups were strained due to a big vault hit. When I'm up against the wall, I take risks and would rather try to counter than send a generally strong deck. As it was, I still managed to make the decks generally strong for the most part, just a little bit lacking here and there. In round 4 I believe I had 5 hours to spend on testing due to work.