Well, the best finish gravy has ever had in war, and I'm still extremely disappointed.
First of all, auction was a pain in the ass. I went in with the intent to get a good, active team, most importantly, one that would do their own shit, and that did not work. A summary of my teammates
Me: Did fine through most of war, fucked up last couple rounds because of weekend rounds (which I had said every time stuff ended on weekend I had an issue with).
Legit: Amazing, vote for this guy for gravy master.
Scibra: There for maybe 3/4 of war, no input, didn't go extra mile, just built a deck. (I am not angry with this, this is all I asked for).
Brusterix: no help deckbuilding whatsoever, but showed up to complete matches. Also helped a lot by compiling decks used last round for the first couple rounds.
Washington: First round all he did was post two decks with no comments or anything. One we could not build with vault. Other one we used. Apparently he didn't want that deck used, but how were we to know. Later on he accused somebody of cheating and quit war/etg. Cya.
Suxerz: I was very excited for this, he would have been a great administrator, and was elated when he accepted my bid. After accepting, he waited 2 days, then disappeared forever. Great.
I think this would have done better if out of the 6 people I was in a bidding war over more than 1 actually chose my team. And then that one is afk for the entirety of war, directly after accepting my bid.
First phase: Not that many issues, me and legit pretty much did everything. I tested my decks, Legit tested his, and then we just speedbuilt for the rest of the team. This actually went suprisingly well.
We of course had multiple random penalties, most of these are just oversights, but we went into phase 2 with the second highest vault (granted we barely scraped into fourth place because of penalties, and possibly winning too much later rounds and not enough early rounds).
Second Phase: Oh boy....
Round 9: The main issue, and what I honestly think lost us the war was the gravity guard derp. What happened is that the round ended on my birthday, and on a Friday night (lol look at this trend). So I was having a party. However, this time I had ample warning though, and I was able to prepare my deck beforehand. The issue was that I wasn't there to check any of the other decks. I told legit I would try and be back on, but that he may have to finish the round (this is what ended up happening). Scibra had made a deck, I had made a deck, and I given input on what I think Legit should run (aether duo). Unfortunately, because I wasn't there and legit forgot that you can have a max of in element cards in vault, we ended up with a derp (we legally transmuted to guards, we just passed the cap). And then random rng loss. Despite air being the last match (which if you count decks with guards as "using them up" and would be the illegal deck) as well as guards being the least useful in that deck (the one we would have taken them out of if we caught the issue). It was ruled rng. I don't necessarily have an issue with this, as it is the fairest way, but it still bugs me. Rng spoke, and chose our best deck to completely get rid of. And because the event card happened to be no saved cards from a loss, we literally lost the entire deck. Our vault was prepared for a loss to it, just not a complete loss like what happened. This not only gave aether back the deck that they used to beat us this round, but it put them in a position to win multiple matches the next round, but it crippled our vault.
Going into round 10 deckbuilding ended on a friday, which again would be an issue, but I was the only one building a deck, so I was able
to finish everything before the deadline. I got straight up hardcountered, with pretty much the best deck I could run at time. If I had guardtal (even if I had chosen not to use it) time "would not have sent this deck at you guys". (not an exact quote, but TORB did say it

). And my deck would have been fine (and I still probably would have used the same deck). We lost that one fair and square. Also, the entire playing time was over the weekend, but I was able to play after switching to a second computer.
Now round 11. Round 10 ended on a Sunday. Common sense should say that should start round 11 on the Monday. Maybe Tuesday at the latest. Nope. Round starts that Friday. Guess what, I don't see it until Friday night. And that just so happens to put my ENTIRE deckbuilding time over the weekend, which as stated NUMEROUS times throughout war, I have a hard time doing. I figure no big deal, I will find a solution, and then everybody asks for an extension. By everybody I mean all three generals of all three teams that are fighting in the round. So I go home (I checked this on my tablet while I was waiting on my sister to leave her dorm, as I was bringing her home) so no chance for me to build then. Show up at home, and realize I forgot my tablet charger. Also, our computer (which is slow as crap) is lent to my mom's friend, to try and fix it up a bit (still not back yet). So I had no technology, and I ended up going to a friends house because I was bored. Now, ofc I forgot about elements while I was there, I come back this morning/afternoon, am bored again, and think about elements. Check my phone and see the round is in matchmaking, with no talk or acknowledgement from kdz about an extension. And I still can't make a deck, because guess what: No computer to make a deck. I pm deuce, make a post on the round thread, saying I can't do anything. Legit comes on, sees this, and puts together a deck, a counter to the grabbow. I unfortunately don't have a say in this, and was expecting fractix (which I implied to deuce). Deuce brings fractix (the deck he should have lost 2 rounds prior), and hard counters me, as my deck is countering his grabbow. And whoops Gravity is out of war.
This is pretty much a rant, and I am not really inexcusing my absentiesm, but when I feel I have made it clear that I have issues with doing war on the weekends, and KDZ posts rounds so that everything ends/begins on the weekends, it is quite annoying.
TL:DR Fail at auction. Team afk forever. Round intervals at REALLY inconvenient times.