WAR!!1.1• 290 cards is an interesting choice. I'm going to assume this was psuedo-tested, and won't question it much.1.2• 1 day blind, 3 days open, and overtime seems perfect to me.• 14 is still good, but I'd like to see this raised higher to 16 or 18, and the starting number raised to 300.1.3• Return of official propaganda makes me very happy.2.2• Disappointed by the removal of most roles. They added some really cool finer points of war. Hopefully this is offset by event cards that allow soldiers to do more interesting things, as has happened in the past.2.4• The Spoils system looks very nice. I'm eager to be able to play it out.3.2• Snippet about relics seems to be a useless remnant, as I can find no other mention of relics in the rules.3.4• Last thing here was a sorely needed addition. Too easy to abuse otherwise.4.1/4.2• I generally like the changes to salvage and discard numbers, except I feel like the discards should outweigh the salvages before Round 4.• Can transmuting only happen with cards being salvaged to Spoils, or can it also happen with cards being salvager to the Vault as well?
1.2• It was very surprising to see how many big bids there were last War. I've honestly got no idea what Generals will be doing this time.
Seeing all these people who have fully upped decks and a ton of rares makes me question wether or not I should join war due to the lack of them I have in comparison. Saying that, I also question wether or not I will be of much use to the team I am on due to my inexperience.
Since War seems to be 'capped' in duration (with the Round 8 switch and all that) is it still necessary to have such a small Vault? 300 minus auction doesn't really allow much room for diverse strategies.