This is the first War I have observed; I have only scattered information about the first six.
I do not know why the maximum bid was cut by 42%. I think it is clear that the cut, combined with dwindling numbers of applications, created the glut of 14-bids.
Therefore, we must make a choice. We must decide what us most important to us AS A COMMUNITY. Is it more important to learn from our mistakes and correct them for future events, or to get as much correct as possible now? Is it more important to delay War so we can do it right, knowing that the new timeline would change which players are available, or to move ahead as best we can with what we have?
The single most important requirement of this process is that we do it together, as a Community. Regardless of what we do, our decision will affect Wars for the long term. Because War is our largest event, our decision will affect our Community for the long term. Whatever we do, let's make sure it's the best thing for all of us--as a Community.
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