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War #7 - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=50863.msg1093783#msg1093783
« on: August 22, 2013, 02:19:42 am »
War is a massive forum PvP event. Players are divided into 12 teams, led by a General. Teams will fight each other until there is only one team left.

This first phase consists of Generals building their armies using player auction.

War will have 12 Generals, one for each element. Masters are the Generals of their element by default. If a Master is unable to join War, he or she will appoint a replacement General (Sr. Member or above). If one or more elements don't have a Master, a General will be picked by the Council.
Generals are given 290 blank cards. These cards will be used as currency when recruiting players during the next phase. Later they will be used to build the starting Vault for the team.

Players who want to join War will each start their own War application topic where they include important information about themselves like their score and the number of rare cards they have. Players pick up to 10 elements they refuse to work with (feel free to choose 0-9). Generals from these elements cannot make bids on the player, other elements can. Bids for players start at 1 card plus two cards for the first ban, and one card for each additional ban (i.e. no bans = 1 card, 1 ban = 3 cards, 2 bans = 4 cards... 10 bans = 12 cards).

Players also select their 3 favorite elements. The Generals of these elements receive small advantages when bidding on that player in the auction.

Both banned and favorite elements cannot change once bidding starts.

Note: Player auction is a big part of War event, so unfortunately there are no guarantees that you will get to join the team you want. Players who later refuse to fight for the element that bought them, or who become inactive and fight with zero motivation, will be removed from the event and banned from the next War. Only way to get to join a specific team is to convince the General of that element to bid high on you.
Bidding lasts 4 days and consists of a 1-day blind auction and a 3-day open auction (plus overtime). Each General recruits 5 players from the auction.

Blind Auction
The blind auction will last 24 hours. During this time generals may resend their bids at any time. Only the last PM received from each General will be considered.
All generals are to send a list of bids to all three of the Warmasters. Generals may blind bid on up to 5 players, as long as they are not on the player's ban list.

All blind bids are limited to the lowest possible bid (e.g. No bans = 1 card, 1 ban = 3 cards, 2 bans = 4 cards, etc). If there is a tie, the general higher on the player's favorite elements list will be considered to have the higher bid. If none of the tied generals are on the player's favorite elements list, these generals have a minimum raise of 2 on that player in the open auction.

Open Auction
The open auction lasts for 3 days. At the beginning of the open auction the Warmasters will reveal all bids from the blind auction and the general who placed them. Generals will bid using the following template:
Code: [Select]
[color=yellow][size=72pt]6 cards[/size][/color]Once a bid has been posted, it is final. Editing or removing a bid is strictly prohibited and will lead to a penalty.

The minimum raise is 2 cards, plus 1 card if the previous bid was from the blind auction, plus 1 card for each overtime phase, minus 1 if the Generals is on that player's favorite elements list or the General is equal first (i.e. no General has a winning bid for that player) from the blind auction. Generals may bid 14 cards at any point during auction, regardless of the previous bid.
Spoiler for example:
If the previous bid is 4 cards from the open auction, you have to bid 6 cards to win, or 5 for favorite elements.
If the previous bid is 1 card from the blind auction, you have to bid 4 cards to win, or 3 for favorite elements and Generals who are winning the bid.
Generals can only bid on a maximum of 15 different players throughout the entire auction. Generals can bid on these players as many times as they like. This limit is irrespective of whether you are winning or losing (or have lost) the auction.
Maximum bid is 14 cards. If a player gets bid on 14 cards, he or she has two options:
1. Instantly join the team that made the 14 card bid.
2. Wait for someone else to make the same 14 card bid (14 cards is maximum so you don't need to bid any higher), and join that team instead. You can wait as long as you want (waiting other 14 card bids), even make the decision after the auction has closed.
Spoiler for example:
General of :fire really wants Bill on his team so he bids 14 cards. Bill now has the option to instantly join team :fire, or to wait for some other team to bid the same 14 cards. Bill is hoping some other team might do the maximum bid as well, so he decides to wait.
Next day General of :water bids 14 cards. Bill likes :water so he decides to join team :water. Bill is added to team :water roster and General pays 14 cards. Bill's application topic is locked.

There is one universal auction clock during the open auction. When the clock is running, Generals can bid on anyone. When the clock stops and there were no new bids made during the last 24 hours, the auction is over. If there were new bids made during the last 24 hours, we go to overtime, the clock gets reset back to 24 hours, and the minimum raise increases by one card. When minimum raise increases, starting bid also increases. This means that during the the 1st overtime, starting bids are 1 higher (0 bans = 2 cards, 1 ban = 4 cards… 10 bans = 13 cards).

Generals win 5 players for whom they bid the most AND they were the highest bidder. If there is a tie for highest bidder leftover from the blind auction, the general higher on that player's favorite elements list wins the player. If neither general is on that player's favorite elements list, the player decides which team to join.
Spoiler for example:
For example lets say I had made the following bids:
Player A - 10 cards (highest bidder)
Player B - 9 cards (3rd highest bidder)
Player C - 9 cards (highest bidder)
Player D - 8 cards (highest bidder)
Player E - 7 cards (highest bidder)
Player F - 7 cards (2nd highest bidder)
Player G - 1 cards (highest bidder)
Player H - 1 cards (equal highest bidder; other general is listed on favorite elements, I am not)
Player I - 1 cards (equal highest bidder; I am listed on favorite elements, other general is not)
I would win Players A, C, D, and E because I have the highest bid. I could then pick one from players Player G and I because they are my next highest ranked and I have the winning bid. I cannot choose Player H, because the opposing general is on the player's favorite element list and I am not. Let's say I pick player G. My bid for Player I would then disappear like it never even existed, making the General who bid the next highest on Player I the highest bidder.
My team would cost me 10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 1 + 1 = 36 cards. This means that the starting Vault of my team would be 290 - 36 = 254 cards.

Bidding is basically a choice between buying expensive veteran players and starting with a card disadvantage, buying cheap newbies but having a card advantage, or anything in between.
If a General fails to win the required 5 players, he/she is forced to buy one or more remaining players with a price of 14 cards each. It is very important to bid on multiple different people to ensure that you will be the highest bidder in at least 5 occasions.

Propaganda is an opportunity for elements to promote their cause, allow members to openly support an element, and earn a small bonus for their starting Vault.

Each element will have its own Propaganda topic, where elements can use any media they desire to show how awesome their element is. 10 cards will be awarded to any element that completes a Propaganda topic. In the past Generals have used songs, speeches, banners an comics to promote their element - this is your chance to get players excited for your element!

The deadline for Propaganda will be shortly before the Vault deadline.


Next, teams get ready for War by coming up with a strategy, delegating tasks, and building their starting Vault.

Each team has their secret forum section only visible to team members, Warmasters and the forum Administrators which aren't participating in war. All discussions held in this secret section are to be kept a secret. A player who gets caught telling team secrets to anyone outside his or her own team will be permanently banned from all Elements community PvP Events. Just to be safe, don't publicly talk about anything that goes on in that section.

There are specific topics that all teams are required to start. On top of that, any team member can start any topic when needed, but needless spam should be avoided.

Each team has a total of 6 members. 4 of these members will be "Soldiers", 1 will be the General, and 1 will be the Lieutenant.

1. General
General is the leader of the team who makes sure that other team members are doing their jobs and fighting their battles. Generals should be aware of team absences, and if a team member is unable to fight a duel the General should coordinate a replacement. General also communicates with Warmasters.
2. Lieutenant
Lieutenant is second in command. Lieutenants should be the first to fill in for the General if they are unable to complete their duties.

3-6. Soldier
Soldiers make up the majority of your team. They have no special abilities, however they are affected by Event Cards more often than Generals and Lieutenants.

Each General should also appoint (from the 6 players) a Vault Manager. The Vault Manager makes sure that the team Vault is up-to-date at all times by building the initial vault, noting which decks the team uses each round, and listing cards salvaged and discarded, all at the team’s direction.

The Vault is very important because cards in the Vault are not only used to build decks, but they also act as "hit points" for the team. If a team falls below 30 cards, they are unable to play any more duels, unless they have enough Spoils to make it to Round 9.

Cards that were not used during the player auction will form the team starting Vault. Up to this point, cards have just been a number, now it is time to fill the Vault with specific cards.
Vault building rules:
- at least 50% of cards have to be from your element
- maximum of 15 per card from your element (restriction doesn't apply to Pillars or Pendulums)
- maximum of 6 per card from other elements (restriction doesn't apply to Pillars or Pendulums)
- no Shards
Cards in the Vault are always unupgraded. During deckbuilding, unupgraded cards may be taken from the Vault and transformed into upgraded cards for that deck, up to the limits mentioned below. If you move an upgraded card back to the Vault, it becomes unupgraded.
- Marks: For the War event, "Mark of ..." cards are considered in the element of the element they feature. This is different to how they appear in the normal game as they are an ‘other’ card there. They are not considered equivalent to a Pillar or Pendulum.
Important! Vault doesn't really exist. Players are not given cards they take from the Vault, nor are any cards removed from their account if they lose. Players must own the cards on their Elements game account in order to use them. If a player doesn't have a specific card in his/her account, he/she cannot use it even if that card is listed in the Vault. So try to pick cards that your team members actually have or can buy if needed.

Each team's War Spoils is a secondary Vault that teams slowly build over the course of War. Extra cards are Salvaged from duels won and placed in the War Spoils. After the end of Round 8, the 4 teams with the largest War Spoils replace all the cards in their Vault with their Spoils, and fight it out. The War Spoils for each team are visible to everyone at all points throughout the first 8 Rounds of War.

For every duel your team wins, you must salvage 6 cards from your opponents deck to place in your War Spoils. This is independent of normal salvage, so you may salvage the same card twice in this manner - once for your normal Vault, and then again for your War Spoils.

Teams are also allowed transmutations when cards are placed in their War Spoils. Teams may transmute 1 off-element card to 1 in-element card, or 2 off-element cards to 1 card of any element.

Additionally, prior to round 9 War Spoils have certain restrictions which they must adhere to at all times:

- at least 50% of cards have to be from your element
- maximum of 12 per card from your element (restriction doesn't apply to Pillars or Pendulums)
- maximum of 6 per card from other elements (restriction doesn't apply to Pillars or Pendulums)
- no Shards

Once the War Spoils are in effect, teams will Salvage 6 cards for each duel won, and Discard 27 cards for each duel lost.

War consists of multiple rounds. Each round consists of three phases:
  • Determining Opponents
  • Deckbuilding
  • Duels

Number of DuelsDeckbuildingDuelsTOTAL
4 days
3 days
7 days
3 days
3 days
6 days
3 days
2 days
5 days
2 days
2 days
4 days

Amount of cards in the Vault determine how many players from each team participates on a round:

0-29 cards=team is eliminated
30-69 cards=1 player fights
70-109 cards=2 players fight
110-149 cards=3 players fight
150-189 cards=4 players fight
190-229 cards=5 players fight
230+ cards=6 players fight

All teams must maintain a Team Rosters and Member Roles sticky topic in their secret forum section. This list says two things: 1) which players will join a round if the team has less than 230 cards, 2) the member role of each player. Teams are allowed to change the roles at any time until the end of deckbuilding each round. Member order must be completed before the deckbuilding phase.
Spoiler for Example:
A team has 95 cards in the Vault at the start of a round. This means that 2 players from this team will fight during the round. Bill is unavailable for this round, so the team has wisely edited their player list so that Bill is at spots 3.
If the team doesn't change their player list, and Bill is at spot and 2, he will be added to the player pool of that round, forcing the team to use a substitute. This is why it's important to keep the player list updated at all times.

Opponents will be determined randomly by Warmasters using an online randomizer, with the constraint that no team will play another team more than once within a given round if possible. If there are an uneven number of players fighting during a round, the team which has to field the lowest number of players will have a bye, meaning one player in that team will skip the round. If there is more than one team which must field that number of players, then the bye will go to the team which has had the fewest byes so far out of those teams. If there is a tie for the team which has had the fewest number of byes, it will go to the team with the fewest cards out of those teams.
Duel pairings will be made public by the Warmasters. The same topic will also have one or more Event Cards. Event Cards have a positive or negative global effect that will affect all teams during that round. Event Cards are designed by the Warmasters.

In Rounds 2 and 4, teams are intentionally seeded against teams they did not play in the previous round.

Teams will build one deck for each player who is fighting during the round.
Deckbuilding rules:
- Any mark
- At least 50% of your cards have to be from your element
- Generals can use up to 9 upgraded cards.
- Lieutenants can use up to 6 upgraded cards.
- Other players can use up to 3 upgraded cards.
- You cannot change your deck until the round is over.
- Teams may spend a relic to upgrade two extra cards for one player in that round. There is no limit to how many relics may be spent in a round, or which players the upgrades go to.
- The Lieutenant role can be moved around at any time. The General role (only the bonus upgraded cards, not as leader of the team) can be moved during any duel phase, but not during deckbuilding.
Conversion Rule Teams have the option to convert some of their cards. This means that they can replace any card in their Vault with a Pillar or a Pendulum of their element. Converting helps teams to avoid a situation where they would be otherwise forced to build "suicide" decks. Conversions will be done via a post in the private forums. Teams can convert a maximum of 24 cards per round, including before round 1.
Illegal Deck Rule
If teams include with their illegal deck "This is a planned suicide", they will automatically forfeit the match, BUT don't take an additional penalty for building an illegal deck. By doing this, teams show that they knowingly built an illegal deck, and can prevent a situation where they would be forced to take a double penalty (both discarding because of a loss and a card penalty) for not being able to build enough legal decks.

3.3. DUELS
Players will contact their opponent and try to find a time that suits both. If the fight does not happen both players lose by default unless one player is clearly more active in trying to find a suitable time. Warmasters will determine who the most active player is and their word is final.
We are using a "best-of-five" method, which means that each battle consists of up to 5 matches with the winner being the first player to get 3 wins. Remember, you have to play all duels with the same deck and the same mark.

If it looks like a team member won't be able to fight during a round, the team has various options:
1. Temporarily replace a team member with any other team member. Temporary replacements use the same exact deck, number of upgrades, and mark as recorded for that player. The first substitution each round is free. After that the opposing team chooses how much salvage you win (between 0 and 20).
2. Permanently replace a team member with a player who submitted an application but didn't end up on a team (6 cards).
3. To permanently replace a General (as leader of the team), every other team member must agree that the General needs replacing and a consensus must be reached on who the new General will be. Warmasters will remove the General from the team at no cost. If a new player needs to be added, see above.

Note that a substitute may not use Mark or Nymph cards the player they are replacing does not have.

A player who is disconnected during a duel, for any reason, will receive a loss for that individual match. The remaining duels (if any) will be played as normal.

Desyncs will result in both players playing against the AI. In the event both players win or lose, and can present screenshots, a rematch will be ordered. If the Desync causes strange things to happen, take a screenshot and the duel will be replayed.

Winners salvage cards, losers discard them.

The Winner of the duel starts a new topic in the "Battle Results" section, indicating the teams, the member roles, and the score. Member roles are abbreviated (Gen, Lt, Sld). For example if "KingKiller" from :air fights "LordOwner" from :water and wins 3-1, he will start a topic that could be title in one of the following ways:
(Air Gen) KingKiller 3 - (Water Lt) LordOwner 1
(Air Sld) KingKiller 3 - (Water Gen) LordOwner 1
(Air Lt) KingKiller 3 - (Water Sld) (Sub) LordOwner 1 (use SUB to indicate that someone else played instead of LordOwner)
In that topic KingKiller will post his deck, and give a short explanation on how the battle went. LordOwner will then reply to that same topic posting his deck. He can also talk about the battle if he so chooses but that's optional. Everyone can join the discussion in any of these results topics.
After each win, the team salvages cards from the opponent. The winning team MUST pick the maximum amount of Salvage from the deck posted by the losing player, which will be added to their Vault. These cards become part of the Vault and can be later used by anyone on that team. Salvaged cards are always unupped even if the original card is upped. Maximum card amount per team doesn't apply to salvaged cards.

Win inSalvage
Round #16 cards + 6 Spoils
Round #212 cards + 6 Spoils
Round #318 cards + 6 Spoils
Round #4-720 cards + 6 Spoils
Round #86 Spoils*
Round #9+ 6 Salvage
*Round 8's Spoils will not be made visible to other teams.

When you salvage cards, you are not really taking cards from the opponent, you are merely taking a copy of that card and putting it into your Vault. In Elements terms, you are using Parallel Universe on those cards.

When salvaging cards into your Vault, you may chose to transmute them into cards of your own element instead. Two salvaged cards per win may be transmuted at a one to one (1:1) ratio into any in-element card which you do not already have 6 copies of in your Vault

When a team loses a battle they have to discard cards from the deck used. Cards that are left in the deck after discarding are returned back to Vault.

Loss inDiscard
Round #16 cards
Round #212 cards
Round #318 cards
Round #4+27 cards

After all the battles have been fought, the round ends and a new one begins. War continues until the end of Round 8, when the teams with the largest War Spoils move on to the final rounds.

The final rounds continue until there is only one team left.

The winning team of War gets:
- Cool forum award icons
- The forum "Reigned by" image will be changed to show which element won.
- If the winning team General is also a Master of that element, he or she will be crowned a Grand Master.


Penalties are issued when a team somehow breaks the rules or disrupts the event, either knowingly or by mistake. When a team gets a penalty they have to, at the end of the round, remove a number of cards from their Vault. They can remove any cards they have in the Vault at that time, including the ones they salvaged during that round. Note that the following is only a guide, and the Warmasters will determine penalties on a case-by-case basis.

Minor penalty3 cardsSmall and harmless things like posting an illegal deck by mistake.
Medium penalty6 cardsFor bigger infractions like not doing what they are supposed to do because of inactivity.
Major penalty12 cardsFor major infractions like seriously disrupting the whole event.

Penalties are easy to avoid by paying attention to details and double-checking everything before posting. Hopefully there won't be any need to issue penalties.
Conspiring with another team in any way is forbidden (unless it’s explicitly stated on an Event Card). Even discussing information that is already public ruins the spirit of the event and makes everything less fun for everybody.

To see how War happens in reality, please visit the War Archive forum section. Some things were done differently during previous Wars but the basic principle is the same.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 04:32:41 pm by killsdazombies »
[15:02:07] Jocko [»] Helston: You killed a bunch of bunnies with nuclear weapons

Offline HelstonTopic starter

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Re: War #7 - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=50863.msg1093784#msg1093784
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2013, 02:20:05 am »

You haven't mentioned the Vault Tool in all this.
We're not using the Vault tool this War. While it has worked well in the past, it is very difficult to maintain especially for three Warmasters who aren't GDocs experts. We'd much rather have direct control and access to what's going on, than be relying on something to mysteriously do everything for us.

Relics are mentioned exactly once in the rules. Are they even going to be used?
Teams will have access to relics through Event Cards.

Can transmuting only happen with cards being salvaged to Spoils, or can it also happen with cards being salvaged to the Vault as well?
Transmuting can happen to both the Spoils and the Vault. As with salvage, transmutations into each one are independent of each other. Obviously only Vault cards can be transmuted into the Vault and Spoils cards transmuted into the Spoils.

I don't get when the General can be changed. Can we have a scenario for that please?

Spoiler for Answer:
In terms of switching the role around: During the duel phase, teams may switch their General/Lt./Soldier roles around without restriction, as long as it is done before deckbuilding phase is complete (Changes to the roster take effect during the next deckbuilding/duel phase). Teams can use this to let players who would otherwise not get to play another duel (late-War) play another duel, or let a team field a deck with marks/nymphs the current General/Lt. doesn't have.

Spoiler for example:
Light wants Bill, who wouldn't normally be able to play any more duels, to have a chance to play another duel. Light's general edits the roster so that Bill has the chance to play next round.

If the previous bid on a player was 13 cards, does the minimum raise stop Generals from bidding 14 cards?
No. During the auction, a General may always place a 14 card bid on any player (excluding those who have already accepted a 14 card bid, and those who have banned that General's element).
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 11:12:57 pm by Helston »
[15:02:07] Jocko [»] Helston: You killed a bunch of bunnies with nuclear weapons

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Re: War #7 - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=50863.msg1093787#msg1093787
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2013, 02:26:38 am »
« Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 03:05:45 am by ddevans96 »
discord / twitter: palafrost - 2x master of water - false god enthusiast
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Re: War #7 - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=50863.msg1093789#msg1093789
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2013, 02:38:26 am »
I was glad for not having  strategist :), but sad for not having berserker :(
Brawl - 4 :fire Red Stars
The luck is much Greater, when there effort and patience.

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Re: War #7 - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=50863.msg1093802#msg1093802
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2013, 04:39:55 am »
I don't get when the General can be changed. Can we have a scenario for that please?
Beware the Darkness.

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Re: War #7 - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=50863.msg1093827#msg1093827
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2013, 07:50:53 am »
War spoils start empty?
Is the number of transmutation limited? For example, would i be allowed to transform 2 out of elem in 2 in elem?
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Re: War #7 - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=50863.msg1093830#msg1093830
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2013, 07:55:26 am »
I don't get when the General can be changed. Can we have a scenario for that please?
Suppose Round 1 has just been announced and the matches have been posted. You cannot change your General.

War spoils start empty?
Is the number of transmutation limited? For example, would i be allowed to transform 2 out of elem in 2 in elem?
Once Deckbuilding has finished and the duels start you may change your General effective the next round.
War Spoils do start empty, and I've got no idea what you mean by your second question.
[15:02:07] Jocko [»] Helston: You killed a bunch of bunnies with nuclear weapons

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Re: War #7 - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=50863.msg1093831#msg1093831
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2013, 07:59:06 am »
"Teams are allowed limited transmutations when cards are placed in their War Spoils. Teams may transmute 1 off-element card to 1 in-element card"

^This. When i place cards in my war Spoils, may i only do one transmutation, or may i do more?
For example, say i salvage 6 deflagrations (who uses 6 deflags in a deck >.>)
Can i transmute 1 in a wyrm, another in a dragonfly, and so have 4 deflags and 1 wyrm and 1 dragonfly added to my war spoils? (provided that i'm not hitting the 6/12 limit for any of these)
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Re: War #7 - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=50863.msg1093833#msg1093833
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2013, 08:16:59 am »
Maybe I am missing something, but how does one assure 50% of your war spoils remains of your own element if you have limited transmutations? Or is it not the number of transmutations that is limited?

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Re: War #7 - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=50863.msg1093837#msg1093837
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2013, 08:39:39 am »
War spoils start empty?
Is the number of transmutation limited? For example, would i be allowed to transform 2 out of elem in 2 in elem?

What Jenkar meant was the total amount of transmutations per round
While rules states the ratio of transmutations, but not the total amount/limit

Teams are allowed limited transmutations when cards are placed in their War Spoils. Teams may transmute 1 off-element card to 1 in-element card, or 2 off-element cards to 1 card of any element.

So i guess the limit is the ratio itself, don't need to look for more difficulties

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Re: War #7 - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=50863.msg1093844#msg1093844
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2013, 09:54:15 am »
Transmutation is new to me, so please bear with my questions.
  • You can only transmute cards that you salvage, correct? i.e. you can't transmute other cards in your vault.
  • Under #4.1 - "Two salvaged cards may be transmuted into any in-element which you do not already have 6 copies of in your Vault"
    When first building vault, the number of copies for in-element card is different. Is this intentional? i.e. if I'm in team entropy, it's impossible to have more than 15 novas at any time.

  • General question - since there's no vaultgdocsthingy this time, may I assume it's compulsory for the teams to create the necessary topics (decks/dsctp)each round? I couldn't find that in the rules.

I might have some questions about spoils too, but I'll wait for the response to torb's question first.

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Re: War #7 - Rules https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=50863.msg1093854#msg1093854
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2013, 11:13:09 am »
General question - since there's no vaultgdocsthingy this time, may I assume it's compulsory for the teams to create the necessary topics (decks/dsctp)each round? I couldn't find that in the rules.
I would assume yes. This was the old custom before vault tool.
[17:04:00] Dragon6: ‹@Acsabi44› You are Rage Potion, Phase Dragon and Momentum all in one
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