You see hain, I have just two things to say.
1st, two thirds of the fault were in decks against aether.
and 2nd. I believe you said you love to cause drama? Well cause it in a private message from now. Please and thank you. (PS. I'm done responding to you)
@Laxadarap The only thing I could deem as fair was to either allow you to pick the loss (Against air likely, since you already lost) and give a -6 penalty, or randomize it and give you a -3 penalty. After an hour or so I decided that the simplest, and most fair to all parties was to leave it to chance. Sure the odds would have been better if it was 1-1-1 but it wasn't. And it wouldn't be fair to force it to be a 50/50 chance given that two illegal decks were used against aether.
Locking thread while I update first post. If you would like to continue to complain, I have an inbox.