3. Strategist
Strategists may remove up to six cards from their deck before each duel. Each duel must have a legal deck, and their full deck must also be legal. Vault penalties are not incurred for mid-battle deck errors, provided the full deck is legal and the match finished.
That's still not a good idea, more powerful than General for sure. For example, swapping in or out Dim Shields is insanely strong, forbidden mark change now means... only Aether guy can do it, yay. Or Entropy Strategist switching between Speedbow and DiscEQ.
If there are uneven number of players fighting during a round, the team with the most cards has one player changed to Support for the round (unless they already have 4 Support players, in which case they will have a bye instead).
That's pretty bad, if the last 3 Wars taught us any anything about byes it is that their effect is far too powerful for something an individual team can barely influence. They need to be nerfed, the team receiving a bye has to get some sort of penalty (lots of possibilities there). Now with support battles being strictly upside, byes got even stronger instead.
Speaking of which, why is this even still around? I've never seen a mechanic that failed its purpose as hard as support... It's intended for new War players but deckbuilding is actually more difficult than for normal decks (because it's new) so it's just one more deck to build for me. Also to keep people busy in later War rounds but instead it just makes the late rounds drag out hardcore... And then there's the blatant unfairness of the no rares rule, losing several key cards as say Entropy or Time vs Aether or Water going "hm whatever" gets old real fast.

After that the opposing team chooses how much salvage you win
Conspiring with another team in any way is forbidden
How many cards may the losing team allow until it's conspiring?