Support Team Battles
for Round 1
einherjar145 attacks
![Darkness :darkness](
(five players set to defend)
furballdn attacks
![Earth :earth](
(four players set to defend)
SnoWeb attacks
![Aether :aether](
(three players set to defend)
vineroz attacks
![Entropy :entropy](
(three players set to defend)
Kai attacks
![Aether :aether](
(three players set to defend)
Belligerence attacks
![Earth :earth](
(four players set to defend)
UnderneathTheLens attacks
![Darkness :darkness](
(five players set to defend)
drolly attacks
![Gravity :gravity](
(three players set to defend)
killsdazombies attacks
![Entropy :entropy](
(three players set to defend)
![Aether :aether](
(three players set to defend)
![Earth :earth](
(four players set to defend)
![Earth :earth](
(four players set to defend)
![Life :life](
(two players set to defend)
![Aether :aether](
(three players set to defend)
![Entropy :entropy](
(three players set to defend)
YCH attacks
![Aether :aether](
(three players set to defend)
MartyrX attacks
![Life :life](
(two players set to defend)
Daccoo attacks
![Earth :earth](
(four players set to defend)
for Round 5
Kai attacks
![Light :light](
(X players set to defend)
Belligerence attacks
![Death :death](
(X players set to defend)
UnderneathTheLens attacks
![Fire :fire](
(X players set to defend)
drolly attacks
![Aether :aether](
(X players set to defend)
Helston attacks
![Air :air](
(X players set to defend)
Absol attacks
![Time :time](
(X players set to defend)
Poker Alho attacks
![Death :death](
(X players set to defend)
Rutarete attacks
![Fire :fire](
(X players set to defend)
FlareGlutox attacks
![Fire :fire](
(X players set to defend)
Jocko attacks
![Fire :fire](
(X players set to defend)
EvaRia attacks
![Fire :fire](
(X players set to defend)
DevilLoss attacks
![Time :time](
(X players set to defend)
Shrink attacks
![Aether :aether](
(X players set to defend)
Acsabi44 attacks
![Time :time](
(X players set to defend)
Shantu attacks
![Air :air](
(X players set to defend)
Selinea attacks
![Light :light](
(X players set to defend)
for Round 6
Silver attacks
![Aether :aether](
(X players set to defend)
AnnaMall attacks
![Time :time](
(X players set to defend)
RootRanger attacks
![Aether :aether](
(X players set to defend)
agentflare attacks
![Time :time](
(X players set to defend)
Kamietsu attacks
![Aether :aether](
(X players set to defend)
Absol steals one Relic from
![Air :air](
Poker Alho attacks
![Life :life](
(X players set to defend)
Rutarete attacks
![Time :time](
(X players set to defend)
bogtro attacks
![Fire :fire](
(X players set to defend)
Jocko attacks
![Time :time](
(X players set to defend)
EvaRia steals one Relic from
![Air :air](
McSod attacks
![Darkness :darkness](
(X players set to defend)
Kai attacks
![Darkness :darkness](
(X players set to defend)
drolly attacks
![Fire :fire](
(X players set to defend)
Belligerence attacks
![Fire :fire](
(X players set to defend)
for Round 7
agentflare attacks
![Aether :aether](
(X players set to defend)
Kamietsu attacks
![Aether :aether](
(X players set to defend)
zaen attacks
![Air :air](
(X players set to defend)
Zso_Zso attacks
![Aether :aether](
(X players set to defend)
pikachufan2164 attacks
![Time :time](
(X players set to defend)
Calindu attacks
![Time :time](
(X players set to defend)
Selinea attacks
![Air :air](
(X players set to defend)
for Round 8
bripod attacks
![Aether :aether](
(4 players set to defend)
McSod attacks
![Aether :aether](
(4 players set to defend)
Scaramanga attacks
![Aether :aether](
(4 players set to defend)
zaen attacks
![Aether :aether](
(4 players set to defend)
Avenger attacks
![Fire :fire](
(4 players set to defend)
pikachufan2164 attacks
![Fire :fire](
(4 players set to defend)
UTAlan attacks
![Time :time](
(3 players set to defend)
YoungSot attacks
![Time :time](
(3 players set to defend)
xn0ize attacks
![Time :time](
(3 players set to defend)
for Round 9
Avenger attacks
![Time :time](
(2 players set to defend)
Jocko attacks
![Fire :fire](
(3 players set to defend)
Zso_Zso attacks
![Aether :aether](
(4 players set to defend)
McSod attacks
![Aether :aether](
(4 players set to defend)
Scaramanga attacks
![Aether :aether](
(4 players set to defend)
PlayerOa attacks
![Fire :fire](
(3 players set to defend)
zaen attacks
![Fire :fire](
(3 players set to defend)
UTAlan attacks
![Time :time](
(2 players set to defend)
YoungSot attacks
![Time :time](
(2 players set to defend)
glennfoo attacks
![Time :time](
(2 players set to defend)
Calindu attacks
![Time :time](
(2 players set to defend)
for Round 10
Avenger attacks
![Time :time](
(1 players set to defend)
pikachufan2164 attacks
![Time :time](
(1 players set to defend)
hainkarga attacks
![Fire :fire](
(5 players set to defend)
Jocko attacks
![Fire :fire](
(5 players set to defend)
Zso_Zso attacks
![Aether :aether](
(2 players set to defend)
McSod attacks
![Aether :aether](
(2 players set to defend)
Scaramanga attacks
![Fire :fire](
(5 players set to defend)
PlayerOa attacks
![Fire :fire](
(5 players set to defend)
zaen attacks
![Fire :fire](
(5 players set to defend)
glennfoo attacks
![Time :time](
(1 players set to defend)
Calindu attacks
![Aether :aether](
(2 players set to defend)
In every case X = 8 - the number of players the team is fielding - the number of players that team has set to attack above
(ie if a team is fielding a General only and it's sending 3 players to attack above, X = 8 - 1 - 3 = 4.
Spoiler for Rules:
7.2. SUPPORT TEAM ACTIONSBefore the end of each round (during Team battles) the Lieutenant will submit one action (either Defend or Attack Team X) for each Support Team member during the next round.
If you attack a Team that has at least one person defending their supply lines, you do battle. If you win you take a relic from that team. If you lose nothing happens.
If you attack a Team that has no defenders your attack is successful and you take a Relic.
If Lieutenant doesn't submit actions by the deadline the default action for each player is to Defend.
If the number of players attacking a team is greater than the number of relics, the attacking teams with the most relics instead become defenders of their own supply lines.
7.3. SUPPORT TEAM DECKBUILDING- Support Team decks
may use cards that are in the vault, not in the vault, or any combination.
- At least 50% in-element cards
- No upgrades
- No rares
- If you are attacking you may not use any cards the Team used during the previous round in battle (plus all pillars/pendulums are usable).
- If you are defending you may use a number of cards that the Team used during the previous round of battle equal to the number of players defending the lines (plus all pillars/pendulums are usable).
- Deck creation can be a collaboration between Support teammates, Main Team members, or a solo act. There's no need to submit decks prior to using them.
7.4. SUPPORT TEAM BATTLES- When the round begins Warmasters will take the Lieutenant submissions and create matchups using specific player names. Teams are heavily encouraged to use these, though there is no penalty for substitutions.
- Note that if a team's actions are "Defend: 1, Attack Air: 1" and the team's three Relics are attacked by three players, the two team members will have a total of four battles during the round.
- A player may not change decks or marks between battles.
- Battles are "best-of-three" which means that each battle consists of up to 3 matches with the winner being the first player to get 2 wins.
- Battle winner (followed by loser) posts his deck and a short match description in the Battle Results forum. Example title:
Support - (Air) KingKiller 2 - (Water) LordOwner 1