My turn

Keep it. It is a fun way to do something non-vault related. As far as I can remember, most every team where I took place enjoyed making it. But don't give war-related rewards for it.
I think most problems with the current system are behind-the-scenes machinations noticeable only to generals, so maybe I'm wrong here, but I would definitely keep the auction the way it is. I would max banned elements in maybe 2. +2 starting bid for each banned element is fine.
Starting vault:
Last war's vault felt to be small, even compared to the number of teammembers. I don't really mind it, cause it actually promotes clever vault design. The max number of cards is a much more serious problem. No matter how we adjust it, some teams will have a bigger advantage and some will be at a disadvantage, especially when it comes to off-element cards. I think I'd like to see a flexible system where the starting numbers are something like 16/8, and the teams are able to buy "extra copies" at the expense of maximum vault size, maybe -1 for in-element cards and -2 for off-element. You want that extra10th dimshield? sure, but you gonna pay for it.
Member roles:
IMO it is good to have distinct roles for every member. Help to keep newbies in pace. A few remarks: 1, give an interesting trait to strategist. MY suggestion was "strategist goes first" or such. 2, Definitely remove the random discard from assasin. 3, Allow
everything to general. Edit any member's post, do any task etc.
Event cards:
During the unofficial PVP event I hosted, participiants semed to like that the event cards weren't mandatory. You could ignore them if you wanted to, but you could risk something (mostly, alternative (aka stricter) deckbuilding rules) for the promise of some benefit.
Definitely post names at pairing. Also, I dislike swapping around member roles like mad. IMO if a teammember has a fix role throughout the war, it is more likely that s/he will carry out the assigned tasks with greater responsibility.
I like free subbing with a small penalty attached to it, but that doesn't mean I don't like the role of substitute (te advatage, obviously would be that the small penalty doesn't apply to substitute.) A few remarks: 1, No player should play more than 2 matches in any round. 2, In the case of a sub win, the defeated team should tell if the sub salvages 0 or 6 cards. That would eliminate (or lessen) strategic subbing.
- My opinion is that a very modest first round penalty is good for eveybody. The first round is a warmup anyways. But if we stick with slowly increasing discards, then the war will never be over. I think I would go with doubling each round, as follows: 6/12/24/30/full deck (in case of 30+ decks).
- Salvage is OK with 6 cards IMO. Another thing that may be interesting is to include a kind of "checkpoint" maybe after every 4 or 5 rounds, where teams are allowed to "trade" 2 off-element cards for one in-element, for a maximum of 6 in-element cards. That would serve 2 main functions: 1, reducing the dispariy between teams who "easily uses off-element cards" and teams who "has a hard time using most off-element cards", and 2, makes life easier for generally underused elements (for example, life has a very hard time to salvage in-element cards bc hardly anybody splashes life)
- Converting seems to be at a good balance right now; enough for minor corrections, but won't save any team it they failed at initial vault building. IMO this is exactly the role convert should cover.
- Penalties: I'm sure we won't need them this war