Team UW came into War 3 ranked 8th in round 5.
This team UW is currently ranked 8th in Round 3.
This is all ranked above each team by 1 card.
Light loses 26 cards this round (Going worse than 6-2 with no substitutions), UW moves into 7th.
Death loses 30 cards this round (Going worse than 6-2 with no substitutions), UW moves into 6th.
Aether loses 36 cards this round (Going worse than 6-2 with no substitutions), UW moves into 5th.
Air loses 58 cards this round (Going worse than 5-3 with no substitutions), UW moves into 4th.
Assuming each of these things happen, UW moves into 4th. Each singular one happening should mean that UW bumps up another rank.
(Not factoring the event card)
Factoring the event card:
Light can go 5-3 with all Stall qualifying wins and be above UW by 4 cards.
Death can go 5-3 with all stall qualifying wins and be under UW by 1 card.
Aether can go 5-3 with all stall qualifying wins and be under UW by 6 cards. (Or 3 stall 2 rush and be under by 1 card.)
Air can go 4-4 with all stall qualifying wins and be above UW by 10 cards. (Or 1 stall 3 rush and be tied)
I think the 2nd half is right, but its 6am and I'm tired