This war was good...
Yeah, if my team won, i wouldn't say otherwise.

You either misunderstood me, or didn't meant me, but there is no resentment on my part. I just answered hainkarga who said there must be a bug in the current war rules. I said, while there might be some problem, it wouldn't have happened without multiple human errors from our side (and most likely from entropy's and time's side too).
The only thing i noticed about the rules, they tended to support single deck teams in late war, but i think it wasn't needed, and won't be needed in future wars either. Single deck teams with vault sizes of 50-65 are strong enough without any help.
And some positive feedback, because i didn't see anyone mentioning them: most of the events, especially in the first part of war were excellent. And the last round standoff was a cool idea too.