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1. Each team makes decks up to the amount allowed. Less if prefered. Each of these decks is to challenge another element. An element can only be challenged once per round.
2. If 2 elements end up challenging each other, they duel best of 3 as usual. The loser discards 12 cards.
3. If a team challenges an opponent and the opponent did not return the challenge. The opponent forfiets 6 cards to the challenger.
Advantages -
- Teams choose where they are commiting players and cards.
- Teams only have to fight an element once per round and can choose to forfiet cards if they would rather fight elsewhere.
- No random pairing luck creating an advantage for any team.
Ok I fleshed these out a little more, I hope they make sense to everyone as they do to me.
Advantages -
Rounds can be shorter and quicker because the deckbuilding is a positive action, not a responsive action.
Luck doesn't suck you out against bad matchups.
This is a replacement set of rules for the war. It is suggestion only and not official in any way.
3. STARTING A ROUNDWar consists of multiple
rounds. Each round consists of three phases:
DeckbuildingDetermining OpponentsDuels[/list]
3.1. DECKBUILDINGTeams may build as many decks as they are able to up to the number of players on the team (traditionally 8 ). Each of these decks must have an opposing team that it will be sent to attack. An oposing team can only be attacked by one of your decks at a time. A team is not required to attack more than 1 opponent if they do not wish to but will be at a disadvantage if they are attacked by an opposing team.
Example of Time declaring attacks
 | Player |
 | General |
 | Lieutenant |
 | Sergeant |
 | Grenadier |
 | Rifleman |
 | Scout |
 | Private |
 | Cook |
 | - |
 | - |
 | - |
 | - |
 | - |
As a new rule in War #2, teams now have the option to
convert some of their cards. This means that they can replace any card in their Vault with a Pillar or a Pendulum of their element. Converting helps teams to avoid a situation where they would be otherwise forced to build "suicide" decks. Converting will be done by the Vault Organizer who posts on the Vault topic which cards are converted, and then editing the Vault. Teams can convert a maximum of 12 cards per round.
*Illegal decks rule removed* - You simply don't field a deck if you cannot.
3.2. DETERMINING OPPONENTSAt the end of the deck building phase all teams will have their challenge card revealed.
If 2 teams attack each other then a duel occurs. If an attack is not met by an opponent that player has raided the opposing team.
Example of a fresh line up.
 | xxx | Scout | Lieutenant | Cook | Sergeant | Private | Grenadier | - | General | - | Lieutenant | - | Lieutenant | Sergeant |
 | Scout | xxx | - | Scout | - | - | Lieutenant | Sergeant | - | - | - | - | - | Grenadier |
 | Grenadier | Private | xxx | Rifleman | Private | Scout | - | - | Private | Grenadier | - | Rifleman | - | - |
 | - | - | - | xxx | Grenadier | Sergeant | - | - | Grenadier | Rifleman | Rifleman | General | - | Cook |
 | Rifleman | Lieutenant | Cook | Private | xxx | - | General | Cook | - | Sergeant | General | Grenadier | Grenadier | - |
 | - | Rifleman | - | General | Lieutenant | xxx | - | Grenadier | - | - | Grenadier | Sergeant | Cook | Rifleman |
 | Lieutenant | Cook | Private | - | - | General | xxx | Private | - | General | Sergeant | Lieutenant | - | Lieutenant |
 | - | Grenadier | Rifleman | Lieutenant | Scout | Rifleman | - | xxx | Lieutenant | Lieutenant | Cook | Scout | Scout | - |
 | Cook | - | - | Grenadier | Rifleman | - | - | General | xxx | Cook | - | Cook | Private | Private |
 | - | - | Grenadier | - | General | Lieutenant | Private | - | Rifleman | xxx | Scout | Private | Sergeant | General |
 | General | General | General | Sergeant | Cook | Grenadier | Cook | Rifleman | Scout | Scout | xxx | - | - | - |
 | - | - | Scout | - | - | - | Rifleman | - | Sergeant | Private | - | xxx | General | - |
 | Private | - | - | - | - | Cook | Sergeant | Scout | Cook | - | - | - | xxx | Scout |
 | Sergeant | Sergeant | Sergeant | - | - | - | Scout | Lieutenant | - | - | Private | - | Rifleman | xxx |
From this chart we can easily see who has chosen to face who this round. using Darkness as an example.
Lieutenant | VS | Grenadier | DUEL |
| VS | Private | LOSS |
| VS | Rifleman | LOSS |
Cook | VS | Private | DUEL |
| VS | Scout | LOSS |
Private | VS | | RAID |
Rifleman | VS | | RAID |
| VS | Private | LOSS |
Grenadier | VS | Grenadier | DUEL |
General | VS | | RAID |
Scout | VS | Rifleman | DUEL |
| VS | | BYE |
Sergeant | VS | | RAID |
Where both sides have comitted, a DUEL occurs, the loser must discard 12 cards the winner salvages 6 from the opponents deck.
Where you have commited and the opponents did not, you have succeeded in a RAID, they must forfeit 6 cards to you.
Where you have not commited and the opponents did, you have been plundered and suffer a LOSS, you must forfeit 6 cards to the opponent.
Where no team has commited nothing happens
3.3. DUELSPlayers will contact their opponent and try to find a time that suits both. Players have 4 days to make the fight happen. If the fight doesn't happen, both players lose by default, unless one player is clearly more active in trying to find a suitable time. Warmasters will determine who the most active player is, and their word is final.
We are using a "best-of-three" method, which means that each battle consists of up to 3 matches with the winner being the first player to get 2 wins. Remember, you have to play all duels with the same deck and the same mark.
3.4. INACTIVE PLAYERSIf it looks like a team member won't be able to fight during a round, the team has 3 options:
1. Temporarily replace that team member with any other team member, including the General. Temporary replacement player will use the same deck and mark that the original player would have used. Replacements (Generals and Lieutenants included) can never use any upgraded cards. They always use unupped versions of those upgraded cards.
If you substitute a player that has already played this round then he may only salvage 6 total from all battles he participates in.
2. Permanently replace the inactive member by buying any of the players that weren't bought during the auction phase. Price of the player is 6 cards. This new player joins the team as a full member, and stays with the team until the end of the event. A team can do this action only
once during the whole War.
3. Forfeit and take a loss.