Event cards are great but need to be changed so that they can only come at certain times. Round 10 event card seems to screw UW kindof hard no matter where in the war it lands. ( While UW is in the war. )
Event cards that really hurt small vaults should be limited to the first 5-6 rounds of war. Making the little guy have to fight an uphill battle even harder is not good.
UW should enter the war round 4 with 350 card vault. It would still be near the bottom if not there. This will also get rid of most teams crying "Oh they know our vaults already when they enter the war, that is such a big advantages, cry cry cry, and they get to use any cards? Thats so unfair!"
Those people annoy me because they have never had to deal with the handicaps we had to, and should shut thier mouths and sit down. Honestly UW is nothing like you all seem to think.