There are some rumors circulating about player substitution, so let me set the record straight. The price of permanently substituting a player is decided on a case by case basis, based on the player's past war experience and displayed experience. Then a price will be decided deducting the effective cost of the player who is being subbed. There is little precedent here, so prices simply hope to ensure maximum fairness. For example, rogerluc has been priced at 12 cards and hainkarga at 28 (which became 6 and 22 costs after deducting the price of the player they would substitute).
The policy has been that a player must be absent for 3 weeks unannounced before he may be substituted. We understand that real life might hamper someone's ability to even log on at times, and so would rather give a window of opportunity to players interested in war. If a player has announced that they are stepping down, they may be substituted immediately.
There is one sub still available, so if a team would like to sub they should
contact WMs. Also contact us if you are interested in signing up as a sub!
If you wish to step down from war, please state it clearly and unambiguously somewhere on the forums. A PM to the WMs where you state your full intent and maybe offer feedback on why you're leaving would be nice too.
And please, if you have any concerns about the course of war feel free to bring it up in
General Discussion (or suggest it as a change for next war in
Suggestions and Feedback). If you have any concerns about WM behavior or partiality, report it to
Council or
Admins immediately. There is no need for unnecessary drama. We're all here to solve problems and have fun.