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Figured I'd give this a go (since everyone else is) but adding sundials for more draw power and stall to get the combo rolling, so that less copies of SoP/hope are needed. It does pretty good... I tried using a couple mind flayers for lobotomy as something to do with the extra water quanta, but they weren't really helping, so I cut them (and 1 copy each of hope/SoP since dials help get them) and added the dials.
I haven't played too many games with it so far, but it's doing quite well. Strategy I've been using is to keep one RoL in the starting hand at first until I can fractal it, and then using SoP to buff the rays until they can make the kill in one round, though against some decks there's probably no reason you can't start attacking earlier.
You could probably use one miracle and some healing if you wanted to try and get EMs, but I think the deck should focus on getting its combo rather than trying to EM as well, though if somebody can find a way to do it reliably, go for it!