Hello there, I am 10 men. I like Time! A few days ago I calculated that in my Elements career I have drawn roughly 100000 cards from Electrum Hourglass. (not kidding there)
So I am well experienced with handling this apparatus. If you have anymore questions about my qualification or the Element I apply for, or even my personality, feel free to post them here!

I'll post my 'speech' later, but in the meanwhile, I guess it doesn't hurt to state a Trials question here for all the other amazing time competitors. 
Q: “If Shard of Readiness’ bonus for Time creatures also allowed them to use their ability that turn (whether it was used or freshly played), similar to the original version of SoR, do you think that it would be exploited? Or do you think it would be the most logical bonus that SoR could give to the Time element?”
I would have to answer no to both. Firstly, I think it wouldn't be exploitable at all. To see why, let's look at the possible uses of it:
- Deja Vu: Not worth it, the only thing this would give you is a few more damage for one card and some quanta, which is a very bad deal in an already inconsistant deck (assuming you play Deja Vu + buffs).
- Anubis: This would allow you to quint the Anubis the same turn it comes into play. This could allow you to slowly immortalize your whole board. In PvP something like that is usually not very interesting as Anubis is just such a slow attacker. Quinting your board is a little more interesting against certain AIs like FGs where you want to blank their CC. However you need to look at the alternatives here. For example in I've GotP Time (http://I've GotP Time) I currently play Quintessence + Anubis for that exact purpose. However I definitely wouldn't replace the Quintessence with an SoR as Quint also allows me to quint a flying Eternity, which is something I do often as well.
- Flying Eternity: Play a Rewind instead. Does the same but also works when the opponent goes turn 1 Immolation + Phoenix.
- Scarab: Get ready to eat some Sparks Scarabs!

- Pharaoh: If you really want Scarabs fast just play Scarabs instead of a card that only works when you already have a Pharaoh in play.
- Golden Nymph: You would much rather want something that allows you to survive while you wait for your Nymph (like CC) or something that allows you to get it out faster (like more Pillars) instead of something that only gives you a small bonus when you finally have it out.
In conclusion: The original card had to be nerfed because there was exactly one overpowered interaction (SoR + Dive). Otherwise even then the card would have been very limited in their usage. It is not a useful Shard for Time at all.
For my opinion about how SoR should look like, click here (