-Being A War Reporter
Deck Analysis: The Angel's Gate
The Angel's Gate is one of the decks used by

several times in War, a deck which uses the high HP, high damage creatures that the

element has, in combination with the creature healing of Archangels, to be virtually CC immune. When joined with the player healing of Light Nymphs and Miracles, in order to create a deck which can outlast the opponent long enough for the damage to add up.
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5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5la 5la 5la 5lh 5li 5lm 5lm 5lm 5ls 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 7jo 7jo 7jo 7ju 7ju 7k2 7k2 7la 7la 8pq
Two matches for

using the deck can be found below

army tended to use this deck most often when they had a large number of upgrades, though only the Archangels seem like a truly mandatory upgrade. (Without them, the damage of this deck would likely be insufficient.)

These two cards are the core of the deck and the most important upgrades, as Archangel forces the opponent to burn two CC cards on a single turn to kill even a single creature (barring a sufficiently funded bolt spell, of course), while dealing a respectable 7 damage of its own, and Improved Miracle gives the player massive healing at 3

cheaper than its upgraded counterpart. In a deck that uses large amounts of

quanta, having a 3 quanta discount on the most important spell gives a much higher chance of it being available when needed.
Support cards

The two remaining creatures in this deck, Golden Dragon and Light Nymph, much like Archangel, fit the paradigm of high cost for high ATK and high HP. By having more than 5 HP, they are resistant to most single CC cards, and can be healed up by Archangels if damaged. Their high damage helps the deck overcome DR shields and/or healing. Morning Star, as an Immaterial Weapon, cannot be stolen or exploded, and therefore provides similarly reliable damage. Finally, Light Nymph's Luciferin ability and Sanctuary's healing synergize with Miracle to make the player of this deck very hard to kill. Sanctuary also prevents quanta denial from the opponent, such as Discord or Black Hole, which could devastate a deck like this one that uses such expensive cards.
In the first linked match, Hyroen uses this deck to defeat Acsabi's fiery Dragon/Phoenix/Destroyer rush, using his superior healing to outlast Acsabi until his damage can win. Acsabi notes that "It's hard to rush when your opponent has 200 or 300 HP," showcasing the potential of this deck to outlast rushes with healing before finishing them with damage. Acsabi's 4 fire bolts prove inadequate to control the creatures in this deck.
In the latter match, Annele uses the "Immortal Stall" (also known as "Shine Bright Like a Diamond") against this deck of Mesaprotector. Unfortunately for Mesaprotector, Annele's incredible survival potential is more than enough to overcome Angel's Gate's damage.
In conclusion, this deck serves

well against rushy decks, using healing to prevent

's death before turning the tables with control-resistant strong damage, but the deck lacks the damage output to beat true stalls from opposing sides.