@all contestants : do you consider yourself the best possible master for your element? If so, why. If not, who is in your eye, and why?
Yes, of course I am. Why ? Simply, because nobody else even wants to be the Master of Light

(separate question) Name one song that represents your element in your eye.
Do you plan to general your element for war?
Yes, and I have a secret master-plan how to defeat all other elements

If nothing changes, do you plan to attempt to lead your element in brawl?
Now, this is a tougher one. I have participated in Brawl#2 and was deeply disappointed by how the voting system was abused to bring about results that had very little to do with the quality of submissions. Furthermore I agree with vrt and several others who pointed out that there is no real reason to associate Brawl teams with specific elements. For both of these reasons, I would not lead a team in Brawl#3 unless there are significant changes that affect these aspects, i.e. a significantly improved evaluation / scoring system and stronger ties to specific elements.
On the other hand, I feel that Guilds should have a much stronger connection with Mastership. Masters should be Guild commanders as the Guilds are a place to work with element association (unlike Brawl), coach younger elementalists who are enthusiastic about your element but not yet very experienced with it.
What is your favorite deck, including your element, and for what reason has this deck become
so important to you?
Well its a tough choice, I have several favorite decks with
I love various crusader decks - combined with any off-element rare weapon, I also love the 2 famous stalls duos: light-fire-stall and immortal. The flying-glory deck is another favorite of mine that brought me wins in Phase 2 against time elementals. Raging angels is also on my list of favorites. But if I have to pick a single deck, it would be the following Angel's gate mod, because it is mono-light with a rushing power that often surprises the opponents (this version uses only the minimal 6 ups -- from phase 2, with more ups it gets even better):
Describe your plan for coordinating efforts among your War team across global time zones.
Forum-threads, PMs and titanpad are all suitable media to communicate with team members who are active at different time slots. The most important aspect is the actual coordination, i.e. the General has to issue specific "marching orders", tasks for the members to be completed and posted, which have to be reviewed and responded to. few team meeting are nice, but with 6+ members they often turn into off-topic chatter, especially if there is no pre-established agenda for the meeting. A lot of team activity, such as PVP testing, is more efficient in pairs anyway, so as long as we can find pairs of team members with compatible time zones we are OK.
To all Trial participants in elements that have two participants and/or do not have a defending Master. Do you think your chances at Master-ship have changed if you were in a full element with a defending Master?
All 3 off-element battles have been against the same element (time for me), therefore having only 1 off-element and 3 in-element battles would not have changed much the preparation work aspect. The chance of winning the battles depends more on the specific opponent skills and I have been fighting some quite skilled opponents anyway, so I don't think having more opponents in-element would have made much difference for phase 2. In phase 3, I do not have a poll, so that would have been a difference of course, so that would have reduced my chances of getting the title.
Would you rather have a master well-versed in the forum only or well-versed in Elements the Game only?
Neither. A master should be well versed both in forum activities as well as the game itself.
Chirp? Chirp chirp trill chirp?
Swishhh Zzzz [... silent brightness ...]
How and where are you connected to the Element you are trialing for outside of Elements the Game?
I am a strong advocate of solar-power.

Light powers my house and even my car as you can see in the photo in the following post: