Battle Prowess - The ArenaBronze

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Card Design - ShardsMy shard.
Shard Of Vigilance (,28846.msg398176#msg398176)
Shard Of Patience (,28846.msg394132#msg394132)

First off, I'd like to say that the name of the card matches perfectly, as you will need to be very patient when using the card. I see this card as underpowered for what it does. You would have to stall for a long time to have it do any substantial damage as it is now. And since the unupgraded one is destroyed, it makes the card totally nonviable.
Suggestions for the card.
1) I would increase the damage to 2N or maybe add an initial damage of 5 unupped, 10 upped. Or better yet, 2N damage if your opponent does not have aether as his mark.
2) Since this is not one of the shards that would be stackable, to make it stackable, again with the damage, for each shard of patience in the stack, add 5 damage.
Uses for the card.
1) There really is only one good use for the card, and that is inside a stall deck. And since the cost of the card is 'other' it can fit into any type of stall deck. At first thought, a poison stall would be best.
Shard Of Balance (,28846.msg394149#msg394149)
( shard of patience, the name of this card does not fit at all. When I see the word balance, I think of equalizing both sides. As the card as it is now, it is very overpowered, to be able to drain your opponents quanta just by playing any card would be insane.
Possible fixes for the card.
1) Have the effect affect both players, those with gravity marks only pay half.
2) The cost could be increased to 9 unupped, 8 upped, and it drains all your quanta except gravity. A card that has such a powerful effect has to have some drawback to the user of the card, a balance.
Even though the card only stays in play for a limited amount of time, the fact that it will quickly drain your opponents quanta every time you play a card makes this card too overpowered. Combined with blackhole or pests and the player would never have any quanta. Just imagine this in play and you fractal pests. They lose 2 for each pest played, then an additional 1 for each pest in play at the end of the turn.
Shard Of Obedience (,28846.msg394161#msg394161)

There is a trend to the shards I chose, they are either underpowered or overpowered. This is another example of a card thats slightly overpowered. The effect is very similar to using antimatter and liquid shadow, with the healing of the opponent effect and poisoning of the creature.
So this card produces almost the same effect as 2 cards.
Antimatter unupped = 8 upgraded = 6
Liquid shadow unupped = 4 upgraded = 3
Normally the combo costs 12 and 9 for unupped and upgraded respectively, and this shard costs 8 and 6. Also, the AM/LS combo requires entropy and darkness, where the shard costs random quanta, making it that much faster and easier to use.
Also, it does drain quanta, but only if your mark is not gravity, and it does not touch your gravity. That is to try and make it favourable to gravity. The card could remain as it is, but this part would have to change, and have it drain all the quanta no matter what, except gravity.
Shard Of Detachment (,28846.msg394227#msg394227)

This one I would consider to be almost right on, but still a little overpowered. The ability to gain any ability in play, when played is a good idea, but the cost being only dark is what breaks the card.
Fixes for the card.
1) Very simple fix, if the ability cost is converted to be darkness, then the ability cost needs to be doubled.
2) Instead of becoming a permanent, make it a 0/2 or 1/1 creature.
Uses for the card.
1) As it is now, any deck with a dark mark, or devs/pests could use this card effectively, maybe a little too effectively. (which is why i suggested the 2x ability cost)
2) If it were changed to create a creature, combined with SoR, any deck could throw in a couple to either mimic a creature they control, or to steal an opponents ability. I could see people using this in ccybs if it changed into a creature instead of a permanent, they could copy the lava destroyers ability cheaply, but it wouldnt start out nearly as strong.
All in all, the idea is viable, and would be nice to have added, but the card does need some revision. I think this does work best with darkness too.
Shard Of Freedom (,28846.msg394236#msg394236)

I'm not sure if the name of this card fits very well with the effect it produces. Also the card is severely underpowered. The best setup for this card would be to only have 3 creatures in play, in the first 3 slots, then if you play another, the far left creature, and the creature in the first slot would gain +1, while the newly played creature gets no bonus, then if a fifth creature is played, only the far left and far right creatures have a bonus of only +1. Even though the card is stackable, the bonus works best with only 3 creatures in play (and would work on your pet well too, but that is beside the point)
Fixes for this card.
1) One good fix would be to make the bonus for Air creatures not drop below +1, making it favourable to Air.
2) The cost of the card could be reduced to 3, for both upped and unupped, then increase the starting bonus for the upgraded one by giving a +1 hp bonus as well.
Shard Of Restraint (,28846.msg394258#msg394258)

This one is definitely overpowered. So lets just jump right to it.
I like the idea of freezing a permanent, but what all stacks? pendulums stack, and the new shards will be stackable.
This is the broken part of this shard. To be able to stop all non pillar permanents is crazy. But it's not that alone that makes it crazy, it's the potential length of time in which they would be frozen. This goes for both unupped and upped versions.
Length of time for the effect could end up being up to 25 turns in theory, I doubt it would ever happen without actually trying to do so. But to be able to freeze ALL non pillar permanents for any length of time greater than 1 turn I think is extremely unbalanced. Freeze/Congeal only lasts 3/4 turns and thats against one target, so imagine all of your SoG's, your weapon and shield, hourglasses all frozen for 8 turns just because your opponent had 2 squids, 2 crawlers, a mindflayer and a dragon out. And there is no way to prevent this effect, since the shard is a spell.
I could see the unupped version being ok, but the upped version SHOULD only last for 1 turn, 2 turns if your mark is water. Also, the unupped one should be 2 turns + 1 turn for every 2 water creatures you have in play.
Deck Buildingbleachedclean (,26926.msg399121#msg399121)
I'm definitely missing something... (,26005.msg399127#msg399127)
Light of Fire (,26509.msg399401#msg399401)
flying Morningstar-a viable arena killer? (,29004.msg399137#msg399137)
[Deck Series] Crying Elements (,27402.msg399175#msg399175)
A Deck with potential. (Made by a Nab though) (,28788.msg399185#msg399185)
Misc help, decks that work better with more light.
Gargoyles Healing. Need help for improvement. (,27713.msg399145#msg399145)
Ai3 Rush/EM Decks (,28996.msg399150#msg399150)