
If you wish to learn things about me, jusk ask in this topic.
Let me indtroduce myself... I am a wicked figure of the land of Elements, a fallen servant of Life and a minion of the evil forces of Death and Darkness and a worshiper of Dark Gods. I am Arthanasios the Scum, fear my return to the Forest of Life, fear my desire of taking the title of master, because all the living things of the forest are going to suffer under my tyranny. Life won't be a comrade of Light and Water anymore, but an ally of Death and Darkness. Scorpions will replace Frogs and Emerald Shields will be removed by Thorns, cause Life will heal no more but it will deal poison instead... Ok, let's leave role-playing aside for a while and become a little more serious and honest. I am a 22-year-old 'boy' (sorry, but I still don't feel mature and wise enough to be called a 'man'

) who lives in Greece and studies at the university of Patras. I have been playing ETG for half a year now and I've joined the Forums almost at the same time I started playing. I have to admit the game is quite superb, the best and more balanced of all CCG (at least before SoF

). I seriously don't think I am worthy enough to lead Team Life in War, however I still wish to become Master of Life because of the following:
* Being a Master is not just about War; it has to do with supporting your element with various ways. I have already proven my loyalty to Life by trying to post original mono-life decks (even if not with the amount of success I hoped for). These deck include the Promising Mono-Life Bronze Farmer, which may not be the best choice for Bronze, but a winrate of 92% is probably the biggest for a mono-life deck against Bronze for now and MitoEmeralds/Jades without Rustlers or SoRs, whose upped version was used by Willng3 against Jenkar in these Trials (and I can't thank Willng3 enough for that

). Furthermore, I always try to find ways to support life's weaknesses and buff its strengths.
* Being a Master is about Brawl too! 
Seriously though, if Brawl is going to become an event almost as important as War, then I can honestly tell I have experience in this domain. Despite the unfairness, my passion for Brawl made me to support my team till the end, to advice my teammates and, in the end, 20 out of 43 submissions (Brawl Icon Bonus Task included) were mine, plus I've helped into many more. The greatest award was the recognition of my hard work from my teammates and a PM I recieved from Naesala-Brawlmaster himself who thanked me for not giving up!
* Victory is NOT what matters. As Lord Seagull said "Trials is about having fun!", and I think I can bring both entertainment and education into the forums as the next Master of Life. Though I may not be one of the most active members, I can do my best to rise the quality of our community and forums!

Gandora: What's your favorite creature to use Adrenaline on, and if possible, tell me why.
That's a difficult question, since almost every creature in ETG is better when combined with Adrenaline.

, my favorite creature is Forest Scorpion (especially if upped), since it deals two times its poisoning and four times its damage. Another not so obvious answer is Forest Spirit, since it can take every odd-numbered attack from 1 to 15 and its Adrenaline effect changes accordingly to its current attack (in terms of number of attacks and overall damage per turn).

, I am a bit addicted to AdrenaTitans, especially the upped ones, though flying Titans work great with Adrenaline no matter their upped/unupped version.
What is a card that life is really weak too? And don't say dims (as any pc-less element is weak to that), and don't say wings (life dragons are pretty good).
EDIT: Also, life allready has a lot of healing, if you could remove one healing card and replace it for something else (concept, not specific card), what would it be and why?
I find Eternity to be really annoying against Life. Where a single RT can be dealt with by repaying and replaying your creature, a permanent RT ability can lock your mono-life deck down; Adrenaline fails, Mitosis Fails, Growth fails, let alone

really needs its drawing power. The only creature I find it somewhat RT-resistant is Forest Scorpion; it will deal its cumulative poison damage even if reversed next turn.
The healing card I would remove is Druidic/Jade Staff (it's not that I don't like it, it is that I find Bonds and Heals much more vital) and I would replace it with another weapon with a different ability. Though a CC (Owl's Eye) or a PC (Pulverizer) activated ability would be nice for the new weapon of

, I think I would give it something more original. The new weapon should either have an ability to attack multiple times per turn or a quanta generating ability in order to help you establish your tactics sooner.
Emphatic bond is weak to pc and cc, what you think that can solve this?
Do you think that mitosis is inferior to parallel universe? If yes what you think of mitosis giving a defensive buff (+defense stat/anti cc shield) for the target creature?
Personally, I think high health is the best and most easily-accesible reinforcement against CC as long as it concerns Empathic/Feral bonds. Reverse Time removes a creature but it can be played again, Mutation changes the creature but there is still a creature to buff Bond's healing and same goes to Freeze & Delay. Only damage & poison truly removes a creature from the field, reducing Bond's healing capabilities. So, use Cockatrices and Dragons (with Mitosis if possible) in order to protect your Bonds from CC's harm.
As for PC's harm, you either protect them directly via


duo, or you play plenty of Bonds into the field. If one of them is deflaged/stolen, there are still some more to heal you up.
About Mitosis, I've never comparted it to PU; I compare it with Fractal instead, since it does the same thing but with a different way; it creates an army consisted of a single creature type. However, as long as Mitosis is compared with PU, I think it is better due to its reusability while TU is an one shot spell. TU is more versatile, less obvious and more powerful if used at the right creature and at the right moment, however Mitosis is overall better.
If I would put a buff to Mitosis, then I would probably reduce its cost to 4

| 3

. Nothing more, nothing less...
Arthana: People tend to see you as somewhat inexperienced in PvP (as proven in the P2, 1-4). How would you improve your skill?
Bonus question to Arthana (optional): Many people nickname you ALLCAPSIOS. What's your opinion in this?
No offence, since my answer is porbably going to seem selfish, but if someone judges an ETG player by his/her result of an event, then that 'someone' is the inexperienced one. Unfortunately, ETG is more RNG than skill (believe me, I hate this fact) and even a veteran can do false estimations about what kind of deck to use against a certain opponent. Furthermore, if that 'someone' claims I'm inexperienced due to losing more games than winning in Phase 2, then I claim I am experienced since I have came 2nd and 3rd in the last two weekly tournies and going fairly well in 12 Lives by Life-based decks against Aether-based ones (and Aether is considered to have the advantage against Life).
About improving my skill, there is only one way. Practicing. And more careful deckbuilding too.

I have no problem of people calling me ALLCAPSIONOS. After all, I challenge them to do it by filling the whole forum with my "CAPS LOCK ON!" name; ARTHANASIOS!!! XD
It's been said many times that Life needs PC. But do you think it would benefit more instead from some form of PP: Permanent Protection? Currently only Earth has real PP, and Darkness has half-PP (it runs out). Having PP would certainly make it stand out more as an Element
Well, actually Life has a built-in PP in the form of Emerald/Jade Shield. Furthermore,


duos can use Enchant/Protect Artifact upon Thorns or Bonds or Staves or Even Pillars/Pends in order to be PP. However, having a PP spell in-element would be certainly made Life's life easier. Though I believe a PC would be more useful (if we consider the rushing power of our element), I would truly agree with you and say that a PP fits more with Life's nature and gameplay. Personally, I would create an Elf/Druid-like creature (the "good" opposite of the "evil" Fallen Elf/Druid) which would cast EA|PA upon permanents. Since Life needs plenty of Bonds to stall effectively and Thorn is awesome when protected, I think a reusable EA|PA ability would be a must-have for Life.
Which card is life strongest asset and why?
Adrenaline; a card that every element envies and wishes to have...
Your phase 2 results weren't too spectacular. Why do you think this was the case? What have you learned from that experience? How will you improve and convince others that you are fit for Life PvP?
Yes, they weren't indeed. This was due to lack of proper decktesting in some cases, rng-ruining in other ones and, finally, I wasn't able to guess my opponent's deck correctly in many games. Of course I've learnt from that experience, as well as the experience of any PvP event. As for trying to convience them I am capable for Life-PvP, I don't think I really need so. A single phase of a forum PvP event (like Trials) is not what makes someone a good player or not. I think I have fairly proven my skill and devotion as a Life player from deckbuilding to card making and from PvP1-PvP2 to decks I try to use in Weekly Tournamnets. However, I am planning to advance into every aspect of Life and searching its comboes with every other single element to its limits.