Here we go, all the classics:
Is the element you have trialed for your favorite?
If not, why have you chosen to trial for this particular element over your favorite?
What does the element you trial for represent to you?
I consider Gravity and Time to be my favourite elements. Checking my interests outside of the game, particularly astronomy, Gravity has the upper hand.
In game, Gravity represents control and brute force. It has several tools to keep control of the board, having Otyugh and Gravity Pull as well as aiding Discord with Black Hole and Pulverizer with its quanta. Aside from SoFree and - to some extent - Psion, it's also the only element to not care nearly as much against opposing shields, as well as having one of the best stallbreakers in Chargertal. Finally, it's designated shard basically combines all of this in a single card, being able to soak up damage with Gravity Pull, destroy enemy permanents with ease, and draining quanta if required.
Outside the game, it is all about control and order (laws of nature) and cannot be circumvented (like shields can't do in-game). All you can do is to adjust to it, so you can use it to your advantage (showing all the synergies it has).
In elements history, many have coupled being a Master to being War general, but there was a time when it was considered much more than that to some people.
What does being a Master mean to you?
What qualities do you expect from a Master, and do you aspire to live up to?
To me, being a Master makes you a representative of your element in particular, but also the community as a whole. You should act mature, use your skills to provide help whenever necessary and be reliable. Although time changed, I still look up to a lot of Masters as people who had a major impact on the game during their active time and, in some cases, much longer than that. You don't need to invest tons of time, just be around regularly and participate in some events when you are able to. This is what I expect from Masters and also what I live up to.