A difficult vote as ever....
I will ask a few questions too, not really directly related, but I vote for masters that I think are qualified, not just in love with the element.
-How often do you tl;dr on posts?
-Do you keep up with changes to the element in the Cards forum and In Development forum?
Now for an actual related question:
Antlion or Graboid?
TL;DR is essentially just writing up a summary at the end of your post for those who don't want to/don't have time to read. I don't tend to make long posts that aren't battle summaries very often these days, though I would generally include it if I felt it was needed. Adding a TL;DR at the end of my post takes little effort from me and saves considerable effort from others. If I misunderstand and this is asking how often
I skip a post due to wall of text, then I'd respond by saying that if it's at all important and I have time, I will try to read a post fully.
I would imagine that everyone active keeps up with all the changes as long as there aren't an absurd amount, seeing as Elements has a small card base and details are important.
As for Antlion vs. Graboid... While I do love Antlions, Graboid, by math, are the clear winners here.
Even if you are able to play Antlions a turn earlier due to the cost (Which is fairly rare, considering their costs are so low and so close), Graboids still win easily.
Antlion gets 4 damage out turn 1, the only time it's ahead of Graboid, but afterward it just falls so far behind. If we're talking unupped, of course, there's even less reason to use Antlion. It's a Graboid without Evolve that does less burrowed damage and doesn't start burrowed.
It's not hard to see that
Earth is versatile and can make effective duos with quite a few elements. Explain why earth is so versatile and name your favorite earth duo (duo must be at least 50% earth).
Earth's binary nature is one of the things that make it so versatile. BB, Warden, Steel Golem, and Antlion are such good cards that you can put them into almost any deck with another element and have it be successful. The stalling power of SS and Diamond Shield and the obvious speed of Graboid allow for Earth to fit into a variety of decks and deck archetypes.
My personal favorite duo would be the Devourer/EQ lockdown deck. It's very strong when properly used and can absolutely wreck an opposing deck if they have no counter-measures.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 591 591 591 591 593 593 593 593 593 593 596 596 596 596 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5up 5up 8pt
There are, obviously, many variants to this deck, including the one kirch posted, but this is a more Earth-based deck. (In fact it's made to be 25% Darkness) Devs come out fast once you get the first one out, and Shriekers and EQ do the same, helping to stop your opponent's progress and ensure that you are winning the damage race as you do so. If I could fit more cards into this deck, I definitely would, but unfortunately I would hesitate to go above 32 cards with such a deck, seeing as your control can be broken easily if you don't draw enough EQs.
"Why Earth? How would you improve it?" Please answer in at least 500 words.
joking lets move away from wardens and grabboids for a moment...
Protect artifact while obviously beneficial, can be considered a dead card against some decks. What situations do you feel warrant the use of this card in pvp? How many copies would you include in your deck? Please answer in at least 500 words.
*disclaimer: pictures are worth a thousand words*
PA is, obviously, a dead card against decks that do not carry PC, and a not-very-useful one against decks where your Permanent's lifespan will not decide the victor. I would generally use this card in PvP when your opponent could be expected to use EQ, Pulverizer, or Trident, or in a situation where your deck relies on key permanents (Phase or Diss Field, your own Pulverizer, ect.) being protected from enemy PC. Unless you plan to use PA'd Phase Shields or know your opponent will bring EQ, it's generally best not to take more than 3 copies (4 in a 40-card deck) because, obviously, they do not stack and every one you draw after the crucial one will likely not make a difference.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vg 4vg 4vg 4vg 4vn 4vn 4vn 4vn 592 592 592 592 595 595 595 595 595 595 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 8pj
The focal point of this deck is to AM or BB your opponent's dangerous creatures, all the while stocking up on
, and then when you need it most, playing PA+Diss Field to nullify your opponent's damage entirely, and then press spacebar repeatedly until deckout occurs.
Since I was very impressed with the answers I received from my question, I have decided to make a new one to help me decide.
What, in your opinion, does earth have that other elements do not that makes it better? What doesn't earth have that other elements do have?
Earth is the only element that has it's own max-hp increase (SoD does not belong to an element, although soon it will half-belong to Light) which allows it to defeat enemy OHKO or burst/Fire Bolt decks. SS is also the only healing card that increases with quanta acquired, so it takes skill to use properly. Earth also has the best rushing creature in the game with Graboid, and a very sturdy attacker in Steel Golem, neither of which other elements can match or the low cost. Earth's main weakness is it's lack of legitimate killing CC (Warden can be used for this but it's awkward and complicated, not simple like Fire Lance or Lightning. It's PC is in a similar state, with EQ not being useful on anything but Pillars/Pends, and Pulverizer requiring a specific duo, it's hard to get PC or hard CC when you need it. Because of this, Earth's main weaknesses are powerful shields (Dim, Diss, Wings) that nullify it's damage and creatures that do the same (Artctic Octopi, Otyugh).