DesertKnight, Those 3 questions all require some thinking and writing, so I hope you won't mind that I am breaking my work into a couple of stages. (However it should be said here again, that I do not intend to act as a general in the coming war if I become master)
The topic is quite dead now, but a while ago I stumbled upon the >30 card exploit. People thought I was being stupid, but a couple of people (ji412jo and SpikeSpiegel) PvPed me, and confirmed that I did actually have a 27 card deck. However, it was still considered a bug, that was non-repeatable. But one time in chat, Dm1231 (If I got the numbers wrong, I apologise) had his own theory on how to do it, considering the evidence. I won't say that much about it because it would be unwise to let the exploit be visible on the forums (Dm you helped me, so I won't hold it to you

), but with my ability to get myself stuck in the weirdest situations and adding a key piece somewhere, it was recreated. (And no, this does
not mean you guys will all get >30 rare card farms). I was pretty happy that all these people gave me a chance to prove I wasn't crazy. (Difficult with a name like DrunkDestroyer)
I can picture a couple of players who I would have difficulty working with. However, they are all for different reasons, and I would probably react accordingly. However, for the purpouses of this I will describe a 'middle player' (not exactly anyone in particular, an average of some of the ideas). Qualities: Persistent. Problems: Argumentative, Finds it difficult to keep with the rules of the event (wrong decks-vault management errors).
I would PM this player in private. I would state his good points, and say how lucky we are to have him on our team. However, I would also be very firm about sticking to the rules, and possibly lay the blame for this on me "Look, I'm a pretty new General, and I'm not always the best, so I would really appreciate it if for the moment, we could all play completely by-the-book". If this approach didn't work, aside from cursing him incessantly under my breath, I would try something more direct and harsh. (I am debating on how harsh is too much, but if he [for some reason I have decided it is a male] was ruining the war for the rest of the team then this would probably be about the message he would need. "As much as I appreciate you trying to go the extra mile, it is hurting the rest of the team and me, since we all get punished for any mistakes you make. No team wants to work with someone who will go get themselves banned from chat or the forums. If you do not co-operate, and work with the team, we will have to remove you from the team" (Threat here is empty- and I could possibly add some more which I have no authority to do.)
Men, we have come far. There have been obstacles in our journey. There have been problems that have risen. Yet, we have surpassed them, avoided them, and conquered them. We are here. We cannot go any further.
There were those who didn't believe us. There were those who didn't trust us. And there were those who stood in our way.
And now we stand over them. Soldiers. Teammates. Friends. We, united under the banner of death, have proven them all wrong. For we, we are the victors. We, we are the champions. And we, we are the Greatest!
War is not won by the smartest men. War is not won by the strongest warriors. War is not won by the craftiest strategists. War is won by the most united, dedicated and passionate team.
We are that team. We hold the laurels. We triuphed.
We team, have won the War!